(Page 17 na primeira imagem)
• : grifado em preto

1.Cognates (or words) are words with very similar form and meaning in two languages. The words in •bold• below, from the text on page 17, are some examples of cognates.

"TIP 1: Be a •positive presence• online just like IRL (in •real• life)."

•Positive•, •presence• and •real• are equivalent to positiva, presença and real, respectively, in Portuguese. You can find many other cognates in the text. Write them in your notebook.

2. Read these fragments from the text on page 17 and focus on the verbs in •bold•. Then choose the correct item that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook.

>"•Think• before you post."
>"•Protect• your secrets."
>"•Do not share• your address"
>"•Don't assume• that people online "

• : grifado em preto

a. The verbs in •bold• are used in the fragments to

I. give tips to help people be smart online.

II.describe people's typical routine on the web

b. The verbs in •bold• are in the

I . imperative.

II. simple present.

c. "Do not" and "Don't" are used to

I. emphasize a suggestion.

II. form the negative imperative.

d. To make the second fragment emphatic. we can say

I. Do protect your secrets.

II. Do not protect your secrets.

(Próximas perguntas referentes a segunda imagem)

3. •Go back to the text on page 17 and find other verbs in the imperative. Write them in your notebook•.

► The text below is about cyberbullying - bullying that happens online or through using digital devices. Read it and do •exercises 4, 5• and •6• in your notebook.

4. Find verbs in the imperative in the text.

5. Go back to the text and replace each icon ☆ with an appropriate verb from the box below.
There are two extra verbs.

[block * don't block * don't print * print]

6-Why is the imperative used in the text?

a. To talk about cyberbullying facts.

b. To give advice on how to report cyberbullying.

7-The tips below can be
useful for victims of cyberbullying. Replace each icon ☆ with an appropriate verb from the box below. Write the answers in your notebook.

[ask* change* ignore * take]

>☆ some time to unplug from technology. It will help release stress.
> ☆someone you trust to go with you to make a report.
>Only friend people you know in person! O strangers and block them or ☆ your privacy settings.

8-What does the word •friend• mean in "Only friend people you know in person!"? Make inferences and choose the correct definition. Write the answer in your notebook.

a. someone that you know well and like (amigo/a)

b. a person you write to on an Internet site (amigo/a virtual)

c. to connect with someone on a social website so that you can share information, pictures, etc. (adicionar como amigo/a)

9- Choose the sentence below that is equivalent in meaning to "Only friend people you know in person!". Write the answer in your notebook.

a. Don't friend people you know in person!

b. Don't friend people you don't know in person!
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