Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger ma description et mon analyse d'image s'il vous plait?

I/ Description
This document is a cartoon published on May 27th 1998 by the newspaper “The Examiner” who delivers the latest news from Northern Tasmania (Launceston). In the foreground there are a small group of people which I think represents the aborigines. On the other hand in the background we can see a big group of people which represents the people to the right, this one says: “We’re sorry!”And two people to the left. Both of them wear glasses and hold a sign with written on it:”The Govt”. So, they represent the government and say:”We’re not!”

II/ Analysis
The people says to the aborigines “We’re sorry!” because the British settlers were very cruel with aboriginal people. Indeed, this one has published an act on November, 11th 1869, in which the aborigines can’t do what they want: they can’t go freely and trade freely whereas before they could go to places where they could find what they needed, particularly food. Besides, with this law British settlers have all of rights to educate aboriginals children. Whereas before they were educate with many art forms: they painted weapons, tools, rocks and their own bodies for example. They also made sculptures and they engraved symbols in rocks or wood. So with this act, Aboriginal people were controlled by European people and that they were oppressed and attacked by them too. So, for this “Stolen Generation” and others things, the British people are sorry and they show that because of a huge range of community activities which took place across Australia on Sorry Day in 1998 like for example: movies (Radiance), novels (Rabbit-Proof Fence) and Sorry Books, in which people could record their personal feelings, were presented to representatives of the Indigenous communities. Hundreds of thousands of signatures were received.
So, in this cartoon the author denounces the cruelty of the British government. Indeed, at that time, British settlers are not sorry and it’s only in 2008, that the British government (in particular from part Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who made a historic speech in front of the Australian parliament) officially apologized to the aborigines for the injustices that they underwent during two centuries.

Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
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