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June 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonsoir, J'ai un exercice à faire et je ne comprends pas vraiment la consigne. Voici l'énoncé : Ecrire chaque expression sous la forme a exposant n où a est un nombre entier positif le plus petit possible et n un entier relatif. a) 3 exposant 4 x 9 b) 125 x 5 exposant 2 ... Il y en a d'autre mais je veux juste comprendre avec ces deux exemples là. Merci à ceux qui me viendront en aide. Bonne soirée.
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon devoir svp? Je dois analyser le comportement du père supérieur d'une académie religieuse d'Espagne et le commenté (avec le texte en pièce jointe). El comportamiento del padre superior es horrible. En efecto, se comporta como un dictador con sus alumnos. Este prohibía a ellos que hicieran lo que querían. Por ejemplo, no podían besar a un familiar femenino, aunque fuera la hermana e ir solos a la cuidad. Así el padre superior hacía reinar el terror como los maestros en la época de la dictadura. Lo que es muy horrible y difícil para los alumnos de este académico que no podían ver a sus familias cuando lo querían y cuando podían verse por fin había siempre una presencia de uno de los sacerdotes. Además, la anécdota contada por el narrador muestra la presencia fuerte de la censura en esto académico en esta época y la falta de respeto del padre superior a sus alumnos y sus familias ante todo porque ésta no tenía que mordisqueaba las galletas de la madre del narrador y todavía menos pedirle a su alumno echar este paquete en el cual había también una carta y además porque utilizaba sus alumnos para limpiar su cuarto mientras que no estaban sus papeles. Pues, éste padre superior es muy cruel con sus alumnos y los consideraba como por lo menos que nada. Merci d'avance !
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour j'ai un exercice à faire pour demain, et je n'y arrive pas. Pourriez-vous m'aider? Alors voilà l'exercice : On considère l'algorithme suivant. • Choisir un réel x • Ajouter -3 • Élever cette somme au carré • Prendre l'opposé du carré obtenu • Ajouter 4 •Écrire le résultat f(x) obtenu 1) Développer l'expression f(x) obtenue. Voilà, merci d'avance !
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonsoir, Pouvez me dire un produit agro-alimentaire svp?
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Je dois faire un devoir d'anglais qui consiste en la réalisation de la quatrième de couverture d'un "thriller". Mais je n'ai aucune inspiration... Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider s'il vous plait? Merci d'avance !
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, J'ai un exercice de maths que je n'arrive pas totalement à faire. Pouvez-vous m'aider? Et bien sur, si vous voyez d'éventuelle(s) erreur(s) n'hésitez pas. Alors, voilà : Soit f la fonction définie sur R par f(x)= x au carré - 4x - 5 On se propose de démontrer que f admet un minimum sur R valant -9. a) Calculer f(x)+9. J'ai donc trouvé : = x au carré - 4x - 5 + 9 = x au carré - 4x + 4 b) Montrer que pour tout réel x, f(x) + 9 est supérieur ou égal à 0 Et c'est ici que les choses se compliquent car je ne comprends pas ce qu'on attend de moi. c) Que vaut f(2)? J'ai donc trouvé := x au carré - 4x - 5 = 2 au carré - 4*2 - 5 = 4 - 8 - 5 = -4 - 5 = -9 d) En déduire que f admet un minimum -9 sur R. Et là je suis totalement perdu... Donc voilà. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait corriger ces phrases svp : (Je dois faire un sorte d'entretien d'embauche, donc je dois utilisé usted) ?Como se llama usted? ?Tiene diplomas usted? ?Cuantos anos tiene usted? ?Cuales son sus motivaciones usted? ?Cuales son sus puntos fuertes? ?Cuales son sus puntos debiles? Et quelqu'un pourrait me traduire svp : Décrivez-moi votre personnalité. Para concluir la entrevista : Estonces, es muy bien la entrevista es acaba. !Adios! Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp? Factoriser en utilisant le discriminant : f(x)= 3x²+9x-30 g(x)= -5x² +10v2x -10 (avec v qui veut dire racine carré de) J'ai déjà trouvé le discriminant de f(x) qui est 441 et celui de g(x) qui est de 0 mais je n'arrive pas à faire la suite Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp? Sachant que P(x)= x au cube- 1 et Q(x)= x au cube +1, en déduire la factorisation de x exposant 6 -1 à l'aide de P(x) et Q(x). Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à développer cette expression : C(x) = (x-racine carré de 3)(x+racine carré de 12)+racine carré de 3(-x+2racine carré de 3) Habituellement j'arrive à développer des expressions normales mais là ce sont les racines carrés qui me posent problème. Merci d'avance !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon paragraphe s'il vous plait? Je dois faire une présentation de la famille royale d'Espagne en utilisant les mots de vocabulaire suivant: hijos, abuelos, padres, nietos, primos, sobrinos y tios. Juan Carlos de Borbon es el rey de España. Su mujer se llama Sofia de Grecia y es pues la reina de España. Tuvieron juntos tres hijos que se nombran: Elena, Cristina y Felipe. Años más tarde, su primera hija Elena se casó a Jaime de Marichalar y gracias a esta unión Juan Carlos y Sofía se hicieron abuelos de dos niños: Forlian y Victoria. Esto permitido pues también a Cristina y Felipe de hacerse tío. Luego, es su segunda hija Cristina quien se casó un poco más tarde a Iflaki Urdangarin. Esta unión permiso a ambos sobrinos de Cristina de tener cuatro primos: Juan Valentin, Pablo, Miguel e Irene. Por fin, es Felipe, el último hijo de Juan Carlos y Sofía, que se casó a Letizia Ortiz. Éstos luego se volvieron padres de dos chicas: Leonor y Sofia. Pues el rey y la reina tienen en resumen ocho nietos. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon paragraphe s'il vous plait? Je dois répondre à cette question: What do you think is the best means used to apologise and commemorate the past on the National Sorry Day? Justify. I think isn’t the best means used to apologise and commemorate the past on the National Sorry Day because it’s just a cartoon, and the Australians have already shown it of much more original and more spectacular manners as for example the creation of movies, Sorry Books, Sorry Songs, novels like Rabbit proof fence, reports like Bringing them home which is a report of a tribute to the strength and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. We acknowledge the hardships they endured and the sacrifices they made. We remember and lament all the children who will never come home. In this report, many indigenous tell their stories in order not to be forgotten and I think that this report is the best means used to commemorate the sad past on the National Sorry Day. But I think also that the best means to apologise is The Corroboree 2000 “Sorry” Bridge Walk. Indeed, on Sunday 28th May 2000 more than 250 000 people participated in this across Sydney Harbour Bridge to support the Indigenous Australians. Moreover, it was organized by the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (now known as Reconciliation Australia), a Federal Government initiative to promote greater understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger ma description et mon analyse d'image s'il vous plait? I/ Description This document is a cartoon published on May 27th 1998 by the newspaper “The Examiner” who delivers the latest news from Northern Tasmania (Launceston). In the foreground there are a small group of people which I think represents the aborigines. On the other hand in the background we can see a big group of people which represents the people to the right, this one says: “We’re sorry!”And two people to the left. Both of them wear glasses and hold a sign with written on it:”The Govt”. So, they represent the government and say:”We’re not!” II/ Analysis The people says to the aborigines “We’re sorry!” because the British settlers were very cruel with aboriginal people. Indeed, this one has published an act on November, 11th 1869, in which the aborigines can’t do what they want: they can’t go freely and trade freely whereas before they could go to places where they could find what they needed, particularly food. Besides, with this law British settlers have all of rights to educate aboriginals children. Whereas before they were educate with many art forms: they painted weapons, tools, rocks and their own bodies for example. They also made sculptures and they engraved symbols in rocks or wood. So with this act, Aboriginal people were controlled by European people and that they were oppressed and attacked by them too. So, for this “Stolen Generation” and others things, the British people are sorry and they show that because of a huge range of community activities which took place across Australia on Sorry Day in 1998 like for example: movies (Radiance), novels (Rabbit-Proof Fence) and Sorry Books, in which people could record their personal feelings, were presented to representatives of the Indigenous communities. Hundreds of thousands of signatures were received. So, in this cartoon the author denounces the cruelty of the British government. Indeed, at that time, British settlers are not sorry and it’s only in 2008, that the British government (in particular from part Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who made a historic speech in front of the Australian parliament) officially apologized to the aborigines for the injustices that they underwent during two centuries. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer ce que signifie ce texte s'il vous plait? A huge range of community activities took place across Australia on Sorry Day in 1998. Sorry Books, in which people could record their personal feelings, were presented to representatives of the Indegenous communities. Hundreds of thousands of signatures were received. People could also register an apology electronically. You can view the 24,763 apologies to Australia's indegenous people made at Apology Australia. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes de syntaxe, d'orthographe etc... s'il vous plait? Mon devoir est de décrire une image. Voici ma trace écrite : This document is a cartoon published on May 27th 1998 by the newspaper “The Examiner” who delivers the latest news from Northern Tasmania (Launceston). In the foreground there are a small group of people which I think represents the aborigines. On the other hand in the background we can see a big group of people which represents the people to the right, this one says: “We’re sorry!”And two people to the left. Both of them wear glasses and hold a sign with written on it:”The Govt”. So, they represent the government and say:”We’re not!” Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un peut m'expliquer cette phrase svp? Altération due à l'eau : L'eau agit sur les radicaux libres et provoque leurs transformations. L'eau transforme la molécule d'ADN qui provoque l'incorporation de tautomères. Que veut dire altération? Que sont les radicaux libres? Que sont les tautomères? Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon paragraphe s'il vous plait? Je dois répondre à cette question: What do you think is the best means used to apologise and commemorate the past on the National Sorry Day? Justify. I think isn’t the best means used to apologise and commemorate the past on the National Sorry Day because it’s just a cartoon, and the Australians have already shown it of much more original and more spectacular manners as for example the creation of movies, Sorry Books, Sorry Songs, novels like Rabbit proof fence, reports like Bringing them home which is a report of a tribute to the strength and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. We acknowledge the hardships they endured and the sacrifices they made. We remember and lament all the children who will never come home. In this report, many indigenous tell their stories in order not to be forgotten and I think that this report is the best means used to commemorate the sad past on the National Sorry Day. But I think also that the best means to apologise is The Corroboree 2000 “Sorry” Bridge Walk. Indeed, on Sunday 28th May 2000 more than 250 000 people participated in this across Sydney Harbour Bridge to support the Indigenous Australians. Moreover, it was organized by the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (now known as Reconciliation Australia), a Federal Government initiative to promote greater understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à trouver des avantages d'avoir un père membre de la mafia svp? Merci d'avance !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon dialogue svp? (Je dois rédiger un dialogue entre Tony et sa grand-mère,Alicia : celle-ci décide de dire la vérité sur la mort de la mère de Tony, comme quoi elle a été tuée par son mari). The grandmother of Tony, Alicia went round in circles in the lounge, she was very anxious of the reaction of her grandson at the idea of announcing the sad truth on the death of her mother. But she mustered all one's courage and called Tony: « Tony, can you come in the lounge please? I need to speak to you. » « Yes, I arrive grandma. » Tony answered. A few seconds later Tony arrived. « I’m here grandma. About what do you want to speak to me? » Tony asked curiously. « About your mother. » « My mother? » he replied intrigued « Yes, do you remember of her? » « Of course, I shall never forget her attractive face, and her soft smile. Even if I was only 5 when she died, I still remember her voice when she came to rock me in the evening. But so why speak to me of my mother? Already 15 years ago she’s no more this world. » He said sadly. « Yes, she was really wonderful. Eumm… because there is something that you don’t know about her death and I owe tell it to you.» she answered in lowering the head. « About her death? You mean that she didn’t die in a car accident? » he asked shaking « Yes, my Tony… » she said crying Tony began crying in his turn. After a few minutes, Alicia pulled oneself together and resumed: «Actually, your mother was killed but not as you thought. It’s, it’s… » After a short hesitation she resumed: «It’s your father. » « My father ?! » Tony said shocked. « Yes… » she answered in a small voice. « But why ? why did he that ? She was his wife and my mother!! » he yelled crying « I don’t know, your father has never told it me, but with the numerous indications which I had this evening there, I think that your mother couldn’t it any more live in this situation which you know at present. Given that your father is a gangster, he’s often absent for business, and your mother not wanting that you look like him and that you undergo this life where it’s necessary to hide all the time to avoid the police as well as the enemies, she wanted to run away with you, to offer you a better future than that of the hooligan. But your father returned earlier than planned and has her was a surprise preparing your suitcases and thus included her purpose. Being this one very violating and often under the influence of the alcohol, took his bottle and beat your mother right in the head, what has killed her. » «My father is a monster!! And he who told me that mom had died from an accident! And she died just to have wanted to offer me a better future! » he yelled. Tony advanced on his grandmother, embraced her and has thanked her for having informed him. This one began crying and Tony whispered in her ear: "Don’t worry grandma, my mother will soon be avenged." Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me traduire cette phrase en anglais svp? "Tony se mit à pleuré à son tour." Merci d'avance.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, pouvez me dire s'il vous plait si j'ai fait des fautes d'orthographe ou de synthaxe? (Mon devoir est que je dois dire avec quelle notion du bac la sécance se rapproche t-elle le plus?) La secuencia se relaciona con la noción de “idea de progreso”. En efecto, durante la dictadura había muchos tabúes y censuras que tocaron mayoritariamente a las mujeres. Efectivamente, debían ser muy púdicas y quedarse a la casa para ocuparse de los niños y de la casa. Además, tenían muchos niños porque la religión católica (que estaba la sola religión en España en aquella época porque se exaltaban los valores tradicionales) no autorizada los anticonceptivos. Pero había también un mal encargado por la escolaridad porque la dictadura no quería que los conocimientos y el saber fueran difundir. Además, las dictaduras no les gustaba nada la curiosidad porque pensaban que el pueblo podía fomentar revoluciones. Es a partir de la democracia en 1975 que la vida de la gente cambio muchísimo. En efecto, las mujeres comenzaron a ser más libres porque el divorcio se legalizo, la censura y muchos tabúes desaparecieron etc. Lo que hizo aumentado en algunos años el número de los divorcios y los hogares mono parentales pero tan bajado el número de nacimiento. Además, ahora las mujeres pueden trabajar, la gente puede escoger su propia religión, existen los matrimonios homosexuales y la escuela es obligatoria de seis a dieciséis años. Pues hubo une evolución espectacular en solamente treinta y seis años de las mentalidades, especialmente gracias al turismo, a la emigración, a la democracia y a la economía. Merci à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelqu'un pourrait me corriger? Je dois préparer mon oral blanc en anglais. Le thème est "mythes et héros" et le sujet "the mafia gangsters". I'm going to speak to you about the notion "Myths and heroes" through the sequence of the mafia gangsters. At first I would like to give the definition of a gangster: a gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang. Some gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. Gangsters are also called mobsters. Gangs provide a level of organization and resources that support much larger and more complex criminal transactions than an individual criminal could achieve. Moreover, they are risen their power during the Prohibition period; from 1919 to 1933, in whom it became illegal to sell, make or transport alcoholic drinks in the US. Gangsters have been active for many years in countries around the world but more particularly in the US where they are the subject of many novels, films and trailers particularly from the period between 1920 and 1990. But, how are mafia gangsters represented in fiction? We will see in a first part the power of mobsters and in a second part that the gangsters are heroes despite all. I/ The power of mobsters So, in fiction, a mobster is often represented by a very powerful character because he is authoritative and imposing. He gives orders at his gang and no one dares contradicting him because if someone discusses his orders, the gangster can be enraged and kills him as shows it the personality of the principal character of the novel The Last Don. Moreover, the personage always wears dark colours which enforce his violence and his bad image as in the poster of the film Once upon a time in America which give thrills whereas the title conveys happiness. The gangster is also an outlaw what allows him to make his business. It’s by the way for it that he’s often in competition with other gangs. Indeed, every gang want be the best to have the most money possible because of illicit substances or murder as in the American crime drama The Godfather when Bonasera ask to the Don Corleone to kill which raped his daughter. II/ Heroes despite all But, even if the mafia gangsters have a strange power in fiction and that live with them is not always easy because the gangster and his family live in fear receive threats from other mafia gangsters and policemen are constantly investigating them, they also represent heroes. Yes, heroes but not for everyone. Indeed, they are only heroes for the people they love and especially for their children. In fact, for every children their father is courageous, has outstanding achievements and noble qualities. And despite their father make illegal activities, they admire him because they know their father do everything to protect his family. As illustrated the crime film Road to Perdition where there is one of two gangster’s son who is in danger and this one is going to make every effort to save him. So, in fiction the mafia gangsters are represented by several ways as their cruel personalities, their black clothes, and their business what brings many problems to the gangster’s families, which oblige them to protect much more their families so they are heroes despite all. Merci à ceux qui m'aideront !
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer en quoi la comédie (au théâtre) vise à instruire le spectateur? (en citant un exemple d'une pièce de théâtre en particulier svp). Merci d'avance !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon expression écrite svp? Merci d'avance. How can overcoming obstacles at school or at work make someone stronger? We can begin at first to answer this question by using the following proverb: "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger". This proverb means simply that to surmount any obstacle can make us stronger, since this one does not lead us to the death. Indeed, obstacles bring us to adopt a new character, a new personality, so to forge us as a human. They so contribute to make us mature. We can to illustrate this affirmation, quote the example of the professional sportsmen who, of course, before managing to reach their goal, meet obstacles as more or less severe injuries or defeats which push them exactly to surpass themselves even more, to become stronger and so achieve their goal. The most important when we overcome obstacles it’s to not give up, because it’s precisely while fighting that we can access our dreams and to come out winner of these hardships. So, it will have proved that we shall have been the strongest. Indeed, we can perceive it as a confrontation between the obstacle and the human, which allows determine which one of them will be the strongest. We can in the same case, propose the example of bad grades. Indeed, bad grades are seen as an academic failure for the concerned pupil and thus constitute for him an obstacle which he has to try to overcome. Son he has to surpass himself (just like for the example of the sportsmen) by working more or by adopting a new methodology to obtain from better results. In conclusion, the obstacles are, among others, essential to our life for our growth. Those are very different from one individual to another, they so contribute to the diversification of the characters and the personalities.
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