Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp j'ai un devoir d'anglais à faire et je n'y arrive pas je dois faire le résumer de cette histoire merci en avance
this story is talking about a boy named Ferris who became ill his parents are worried they want him to stay at home but Ferris doesn't agree he wants to go to college. jeanie is jealous of her parents' intention to Ferris!
voilà désolé se n'est pas très bon mais j'espère t'avoir été utile
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this story is talking about a boy named Ferris who became ill his parents are worried they want him to stay at home but Ferris doesn't agree he wants to go to college. jeanie is jealous of her parents' intention to Ferris!
voilà désolé se n'est pas très bon mais j'espère t'avoir été utile
Bonne soirée ☺