Lisez la photo pour que vous puissiez comprendre à quoi sert l'exercice 6 et 7.
s'il vous plait c'est pour demain
What will you be doing in three months time:
will you be listenning to different music? will you be watching the same tv programmes? will you be supporting a different sport team? will you be looking forward to the holidays? will you be worrying about your exams?
exercice 7:
what will you have done in three months time:
where will you have been on holiday? what skill will you have learnt? how much will you have saved of money? where will you have made the journey? what will you have bought? what will you have done something you haven't wanted to do att all? what will you have done something you've always wanted to?
Voila desole pour les fautes d'orthograpes et aidez moi merci
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