Bonjour, Je suis en classe de seconde, et j'aimerais que vous me corrigiez mon expression écrite d'anglais que j'ai faite s'il vous plait. Merci davance Je dois présenter une nouvelle invention que je pense serait utile pour plein de personnes. Je dois rédiger un rapport expliquant les aspect: I'm going to present you an object which I think will be very usefull, notably for the young who has a smartphone of different brands, but êven for adults or old person. Do you have enough of not having battery after a few hours? Do you have the impress that you past more time to recharge your phone than using it? I'd like to present you a solair phone charger, it means it will recharge it-self anywhere. There are somes in the market but they are too big to transport it's not very handy. What I propose to you it is barely the size of half phone, you just avec to hook up like a normal charger and that's it. This idea came to me because I think that I'm in the same case of a lot of people, and ussualy i'm out of battery, I can't even use it for an emergency, or to settle my bussiness problems when I'm moving somewhere. I really thing that it will be handfull because every type of person have a cell-phone and now we don't use it only for call or send message text but to do more. Like play somes games when we wait the bus, use it like a GPS when we are lost, do some research on Internet when we are not at home... As a result it use a lot of batteri. It will be expensive now, like everything when it's new but you won't regret buying it. But I'm doing my best to find a way to reduce te price, I hope soon it would become cheaper. For the moment, it cost two thousand euros to product one. But people will save more money when the electricity bill will become smarter. Merci
Bonjour, j'aimerai que vous me corrigiez une expression écrite en anglais où je dois écrire un blog pour inciter les gens à partir avec ma compagnie de voyage. Peaceful sunset in Scotland, It’s not the place that every young are exciting about, this isn’t New York or some big city with high-rise bulding and a lot of shooping, with too much people in the street who rush. Here we are somewhere else, we are in Scotland, the landscape is just breathtaking. With Secret Destinations, we don’t miss the unmissable view. It’s a rare and exeptionnel scenery, that we don’t see every day, but Secret Destinations make us find out all those sublimity, while remaining comfort. We feel like home however in a heavenly place. It’s a place that seems far and hard to reach but not with Secret Destination, we juste have the time to close our eyes et then we are already arrive on our « heavenly island ». We are not even tired of the travelling, in a wink we are there. And even when we don’t sleep, there are a great confort and a very good ambiance that we donn’t see the time who past. The monuments are fantastic, the restaurents are fantastic, the hotel are comforting and calming! They choose the best.There are always a good and bad side of a place, but here we only do the best. You know like in a day or in the life there are always bad and good moments, imagine your life is only compose of unfortable moments.... It's the same with secret Destinations ! There an example of what you will do. The first day . First when we arrived, without waiting, because we weren’t tired, we visit the Old Town, the historique center of the capital of Scotland. Then we did a balade in a impressive old médiévale town, with a lot of museum. Next we just walk outside this medievale town and we saw this spectacular sunset. After a gret day, of course we went in a good pub for a Scotlan’s night. To get some stregh for the long,stimulating marvelous day of tomomorrow we slept in a perfect 5 stars hotel. Merci d'avance

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