Bonjour à tous j'ai fini mon argumentation de lecture cursive sur l'oeuvre Candide de Voltaire et j'aurais besoin de votre "correction" voir ce que je peux améliorer aussi je n'arrive pas à faire ma conclusion si vous pouvez m'aider ? merci d'avance :) Le courant de pensée qui se développe en Europe au XVIIIe siècle sont les Lumières. Le mouvement des Lumières se développe dans un climat historique et intellectuel. La monarchie est de plus en plus critiquée : après la mort de Louis XIV en 1715, Louis XV (1723-1774) et Louis XVI (1774-1792) se révèlent incapables de réformer l’État. Une longue phase d’expansion économique avec le développement des échanges et de la colonisation. Il y a également l’essor d’une bourgeoisie qui conteste les privilèges de la noblesse et souhaite, elle aussi, accéder au pouvoir. Les sciences et les techniques progressent notamment avec l’encyclopédie et il ne faut pas oublier les inventions qui préparent la révolution industrielle du siècle suivant : métier à tisser, machine à vapeur. L’un des principaux auteurs du siècle des lumières est Voltaire. François-Marie Arouet, dit Voltaire (1694- 1778). Est écrivain français issu de la bourgeoisie parisienne. Il étudie chez les Jésuites. Dès ses débuts d'écrivain, à cause de sa liberté de ton, il est emprisonné à la Bastille. il passe deux autres moi dans cette prison après une dispute avec le chevalier à Rohan. En sortant, il passe deux ans en Angleterre. Il publie à son retour de tragédie Brutus en 1730 et Zaïre en 1732 cette dernière œuvre est un grand succès. Plus tard paraisse les lettres philosophiques sur l'Angleterre. Elles font l'éloge de la liberté politique et du régime britannique. Son livre provoque un scandale car ils critiquent la France. Voltaire se retire à Cirey chez la marquise du Châtelet. Il y écrit une dizaine de tragédie. Ensuite il est invité par le roi Frédéric II, il passe 3 ans en Prusse. Puis il s'installe à Ferney à la frontière franco-suisse. Il dénonce les abus du pouvoir et l'intolérance. Peu avant sa mort il revient à Paris. Voltaire a touché à tous les genres littéraires. Il a écrit une époque la Henriade, des tragédies, des ouvrages historiques (le siècle de Louis XVI, 1751 ; essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations, 1756), des ouvrages philosophiques. Dans ces contes philosophiques, il attaque la société du XVIII siècle (Zadig ou la destinée). Candide ou l'optimiste (1759) est un roman philosophique. Jusqu'à sa mort, le 30 mai 1778, il ne cessera de se battre pour la tolérance et la liberté. Le conte philosophique est un apologue qui utilise le récit pour faire distraire et amuser et la réflexion du lecteur. Dans le conte Candide, Voltaire raconte les aventures d'un héros naïf qui se confronte aux réalités du monde. Quelle est la part d'imagination, quelle est la part de raison qui sera convoquée chez le lecteur ? Nous verrons d'abord que Voltaire propose un récit plaisant puis nous aborderons les idées que Voltaire propose dans ce récit. Dans Candide Voltaire utilise des éléments de contes traditionnels tout d’abord : le château du baron se trouve en Westphalie, en Allemagne. Le cadre d'un château est traditionnel dans les contes, et l'on trouve d'autres éléments qui relève de la tradition. Le baron et la baronne sont les maîtres du château nous pouvons faire le rapprochement avec le roi dans un conte ; Candide est amoureux de la fille du baron qui est Cunégonde c’est une sorte de princesse qui est à conquérir. Le héros qui est aussi le personnage principal : Candide, est chassé du château et doit affronter toutes sortes de dangers avant de pouvoir retrouver la femme qu'il aime et l'épouser. Candide est aussi peu décrit, physiquement et psychologiquement il est simplement décrit avec un trait de caractère essentiel, la naïveté, combiné à une qualité : il s’est réfléchir cela suffit à définir le personnage, plongé dans une succession très rapide d'épisodes, d'aventures. Nous pouvons également voir qu’il y a des rebondissements qu’ils sont extraordinaires : Pangloss apprend à Candide que Cunégonde a été "éventrée par des soldats bulgares" ; il la retrouve pourtant à Lisbonne. C’est ce que raconde Cunégonde « Au bout de trois mois, ayant perdu tout son argent, et s'étant dégoûté de moi, il me vendit à un juif nommé don Issachar qui trafiquait en Hollande et en Portugal, et qui aimait passionnément les femmes … » puis les deux amants de Cunégonde surprennent Candide en sa compagnie de ce fait Candide tue don Issachar puis le grand inquisiteur, quelques minutes après (chapitre IX). Au Paraguay, Candide retrouve le fils du baron, et ils se disputent, de ce fait Candide tue le fils du baron d'un coup d'épée (chapitre XV) et enfin sur une galère, Candide reconnaît parmi les rameurs deux personnages qu'il croyait morts il s’agit de Pangloss et du fils du baron.
Bonjour SVP j'ai besoin d'aide en anglais je suis trop nul c'est un texte et des questions merci d'avance. texte : Ella's story When I was in Grade 5 I was bullied by this one girl really badly. She would tease me, call me names and swear at me. She would also punch me and kick me. The weird thing was she was my only ‘friend’. She was the only person that I knew. One time I was selected to read a poem I wrote in front of assembly. I was so nervous even after I read it and when I went to ask her how I went she wasn’t talking to me. She didn’t speak to me for 2 days. A girl I knew asked her why she wasn’t talking to me and she said it was because I didn’t ask her permission, before accepting reading it in assembly. I guess that’s just her personality. It continued throughout the whole year and about half way through I simply couldn’t take it. I cut myself and I felt as if I was letting all the pain she had caused me out. After that I would cut regularly on my stomach thighs and ankles. She started calling me fat and ugly and that’s where things got even worse than they already were. I guess my mind believed that I was fat and ugly so I became a bulimic and I started wearing my hair over my face so that people couldn’t see it.Towards the end of the year I really liked this guy but, he liked the girl who was bullying me. One day I was standing near him, about 2 metres away, and she grabbed my hair from behind and pulled it out of my face so that he could see my face. I fought back and I screeched but it only seemed to make her happy that it was causing me displeasure. That night I stared at my face in the mirror and just said over and over again, “I am fat. I am ugly. I am a slut. I am broken.”On the second last week of school I had a breakdown in class. I excused myself and started to walk out the room but I couldn’t get there in time. I collapsed on the ground and started crying. I cried and cried and cried. Nobody said anything. The teacher came over, helped me up and took me down the principal’s office. When I was there I told them everything except the name of the person that was bullying me. I was terrified that she would find out so I kept it to myself. On the holidays she had my phone number so she could still insult me and still make me cry. On January 3rd 2012 I tried to kill myself. I locked myself in the bathroom and made two huge cuts up both of my arms. I remember not panicking, just everything suddenly feeling perfect. Falling to the ground was the hardest part. My legs were weak and I was weak from blood loss. I remember blurry images of my mum bursting through the door of the bathroom and the static like sound of my mum screaming my name. I was rushed to hospital and was in a rehab like centre until February 5th. I told nobody the name of the girl that bullied me. I was still terrified and I still am to this day. I have partly recovered from that. I still self- harm and I still have slight depression and anxiety but every day I am improving. Getting stronger. As for the girl that bullied me, she has said to have improved. I wouldn’t know because I made the choice to avoid her at all costs. For anyone thinking about committing suicide just remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that can be dealt in better ways than suicide. questions : a) What kind of document is it ? 1. List the different ways Ella was bullied. 2. What were the consequences on Ella’s behaviour ? 3. What eventually happened to her ? 4. What is her situation now ? 5. According to you, why did she choose never to reveal the name of her bully ? 6. Focus on the last sentence of this text and explain what she means and what she wrote this for ?
Bonjour SVP j'ai besoin d'aide en anglais un texte et des questions merci d'avance. texte : Ella's story When I was in Grade 5 I was bullied by this one girl really badly. She would tease me, call me names and swear at me. She would also punch me and kick me. The weird thing was she was my only ‘friend’. She was the only person that I knew. One time I was selected to read a poem I wrote in front of assembly. I was so nervous even after I read it and when I went to ask her how I went she wasn’t talking to me. She didn’t speak to me for 2 days. A girl I knew asked her why she wasn’t talking to me and she said it was because I didn’t ask her permission, before accepting reading it in assembly. I guess that’s just her personality. It continued throughout the whole year and about half way through I simply couldn’t take it. I cut myself and I felt as if I was letting all the pain she had caused me out. After that I would cut regularly on my stomach thighs and ankles. She started calling me fat and ugly and that’s where things got even worse than they already were. I guess my mind believed that I was fat and ugly so I became a bulimic and I started wearing my hair over my face so that people couldn’t see it.Towards the end of the year I really liked this guy but, he liked the girl who was bullying me. One day I was standing near him, about 2 metres away, and she grabbed my hair from behind and pulled it out of my face so that he could see my face. I fought back and I screeched but it only seemed to make her happy that it was causing me displeasure. That night I stared at my face in the mirror and just said over and over again, “I am fat. I am ugly. I am a slut. I am broken.”On the second last week of school I had a breakdown in class. I excused myself and started to walk out the room but I couldn’t get there in time. I collapsed on the ground and started crying. I cried and cried and cried. Nobody said anything. The teacher came over, helped me up and took me down the principal’s office. When I was there I told them everything except the name of the person that was bullying me. I was terrified that she would find out so I kept it to myself. On the holidays she had my phone number so she could still insult me and still make me cry. On January 3rd 2012 I tried to kill myself. I locked myself in the bathroom and made two huge cuts up both of my arms. I remember not panicking, just everything suddenly feeling perfect. Falling to the ground was the hardest part. My legs were weak and I was weak from blood loss. I remember blurry images of my mum bursting through the door of the bathroom and the static like sound of my mum screaming my name. I was rushed to hospital and was in a rehab like centre until February 5th. I told nobody the name of the girl that bullied me. I was still terrified and I still am to this day. I have partly recovered from that. I still self- harm and I still have slight depression and anxiety but every day I am improving. Getting stronger. As for the girl that bullied me, she has said to have improved. I wouldn’t know because I made the choice to avoid her at all costs. For anyone thinking about committing suicide just remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that can be dealt in better ways than suicide. questions : a) What kind of document is it ? 1. List the different ways Ella was bullied. 2. What were the consequences on Ella’s behaviour ? 3. What eventually happened to her ? 4. What is her situation now ? 5. According to you, why did she choose never to reveal the name of her bully ? 6. Focus on the last sentence of this text and explain what she means and what she wrote this for ?

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