Oral bac notion Spaces and exchanges Bonjour à tous ! Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait? Merci pour vos réponses et bonne lecture ! Spaces and exchanges I’m going to talk about the notion of Spaces and exchanges. To start with, I’d like to give a definition of this concept: Spaces and exchanges can be material or intangible. Material spaces are the whole Earth, any place you can be there to live, communicate and make material exchanges which are flow of capital, goods or human using vehicles especially. Intangible spaces are virtual platforms as Internet where you can communicate and make virtual exchanges, which are flow of virtual capital and data, like videos, pictures or text. To focus on material spaces and exchanges especially, we will pay attention to the flow dealing with the American Dream, because it drew lots of migrants to the USA during the past centuries, but today, some people question it. This founding myth helped to promote this new country to European people. The American Dream was the belief that anyone could made a fresh start in America, to be free and rich. So, we may wonder, to what extend the American Dream has been a hope for migrants? I will concentrate on the last fifteen years, on the way people deal with the American Dream and with immigration, through its pros and cons. Fareed Zakaria wrote an article untitled “How to restore the American Dream” in which he explores this multi-faceted dream. He explains that when he was a young Indian boy, in the Seventies, America seemed dazzling, with huge open spaces and beautiful skyscrapers, through TV shows like Dallas. A few years later, when he came in United States to study, he visited his friends’ hometowns, and he tells he was astonished of the spacious suburban houses people could afford, whenever they had modest jobs. As Zakaria said, the real American Dream of those post-war years was not fancy cars or shining cities, but this middle-class optimism, this sunny attitude people had toward life. Another example of an immigrant who came to the USA is the one told in the oral comprehension called “A new American”. This immigrant tells us, when he arrived into this new country, he had 67 dollars in his pocket, and he spent about all of his money on the trip to the north of California. Then, he realized he had an opportunity to achieve the American Dream, by working hard. As he says, this hope of a bright future for immigrant has changed, but is still based on the same values. He wanted to earn money to feed his family and to afford a good education for his children, and nowadays, this is the same dream, even if it’s harder to achieve it, because borders have become stricter than in the twentieth century. Indeed, immigration in the USA today seems to be a real social issue. In a speech delivered in 2015, Barack Obama expresses his desolation about the terrible social conditions faced by migrants in the country. He claims his will to fix this broken immigration system, because of the incapacity to solve this issue from Congress. In fact, undocumented workers lived a constant state of fear, because they are likely to lose their job in everyday-life. Moreover, migrants who try to cross the border between Mexico and USA risk their own life, and thousands of them died every year in this dangerous journey. Finally, to conclude with the notion of Spaces and exchanges, we saw that the idea of the American Dream is drastically different in people minds. According to Fareed Zakaria, this dream does exist, but is not a fantastic utopia as shown in TV shows, just a peaceful and good living condition. The second immigrant I talked about thinks that the American Dream still exists as he used to, but is harder to achieve today because of the national isolation policy. The speech of Obama proves this idea, because undocumented migrants are less integrated in the American society than before.
Correction /Notion Bac Bonjour, j'ai préparé une notion pour l'épreuve orale d'espagnol du bac. Si vous pouviez m'aider à la corriger et me dire ce que vous en pensez ce serait génial Merci :) Lugares y Formas de Poder Voy a tratar la noción Lugares y formas de poder. Para empezar, quiero definir este concepto: El poder es la habilidad a controlar una propiedad, un evento o una persona, de manera física y psicológica. En la sociedad, el poder es el motivo de integración política, social y personal, y también revelador de tensiones en el grupo. El poder se distribuye en un conjunto de relaciones sufridas o aceptadas. Durante la historia el hombre afirmo su superioridad sobre la mujer por razones físicas, llamado machismo, pero las mujeres españoles, desde el principio del siglo vente, empezaron a afirmar su igualdad en comparación a los hombres. En ese contexto, puedo preguntarme en qué medida la igualdad entre los hombres y las mujeres es alcanzado. Dicho de otra moda, ¿existió siempre el machismo? Voy a explicar de qué manera la mujer afirmo su poder, pero lo perdido también en el siglo veinte, y como hoy la lucha continua. Un ejemplo típico de mujer que permitió el progreso social es Clara Campoamor. El audio que la llama “luchadora infatigable” cuenta su acción. Ha impulsado la condición de la mujer por varias razones: empezó a trabajar en 1925 después de convertirse en la primera mujer a integrar el colegio de abogados de Madrid. En 1931, fue elegida en las Cortes constituyentes, mientras que irónicamente no tenía derecho de votar. Entonces, propuso un artículo para conceder a las mujeres este derecho, que fue aprobado. Junto a Victoria Kent, Clara Campoamor es una icona del progreso social de la condición de la mujer durante el principio del siglo veinte. Durante la dictadura franquista, los progresos en la situación social de la mujer disminuyo mucho. En efecto, en “el guía de la buena esposa” la mujer es presentada como un ama de llaves: está pasando la aspiradora, y lleva un vestido. Este dibujo refleja la imagen que tenía Franco de la mujer, una persona solo buena a ocuparse de la casa, cocinar y criar los hijos. Además, el lema es “una buena esposa siempre sabe cuál es su lugar”, y subraya el modelo patriarcal impuesto por la dictadura. Hace unos años, el gobierno lanzó una campaña informativa para promover la aplicación Libres. Este aplicación, dicho “contra el maltrato”, permite a las personas que están victimas de saberlo. Las personas maltratadas tienden a normalizar la situación en la que viven y a considerar que es algo normal cuando no lo es. El maltrato puede ser físico o psicológico. Libres cuestiona preguntas a la persona, como “Te hace sentir inferior, te controla el dinero o la manera de vestir”, y si responde sí, eso significo que es maltratado, e invita la persona a llamar centros de asistencia, sin que tu conjunto lo sabía. Esta aplicación es dedicada en particular a las mujeres, porque se ven más afectadas por maltrato que hombres. Por ejemplo, las estadísticas muestran que 10 por ciento de las mujeres sufren de violencia física o sexual. Finalmente, España es un país que progreso para los derechos de la mujer a contrario de lo que dicen los estereotipos, por ejemplo con la ley de 2004 que condena severamente el crimen conyugal. Para concluir, hemos visto que el machismo es menos y menos actual en España, gracias a la acción de Clara Campoamor y otras activistas. Después del fin de la dictadura, que impuso un modelo patriarcal, las mujeres recuperaron sus derechos. Hoy, el gobierno intenta de modificar los modelos conyugales. Puedo decir que el machismo existe siempre en hecho, pero la igualdad entre los hombres y las mujeres es reconocida por el pueblo. Además, el rey designo por primera vez en la historia su hija como princesa heredera al trono, y muestra bien el fin de la supremacía masculina.
Bonjour, pourriez-vous corriger la préparation que j'ai faite pour mon oral d'anglais (pour le bac) s'il-vous-plaît ? Merci d'avance :) Myths and Heroes I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To start with, I would like to give a definition of this notion: On the one hand, a myth represents a lie, something that is not true, and on the other hand, a myth is a legend, or a tale, which tells the story of heroes, extraordinary figures. Heroes are seen as persons who enable progress, because they fight for good causes, and give their own life to achieve their goal. So, we may wonder, what is the link between a myth and a hero? I will concentrate on two types of links: a hero can create his own myth, his own legend by doing something great and good, but a hero can also break a myth, a lie to aware people. In the early twentieth century in England, women were fighting for their rights. We will focus on the action taken by Emmeline Pankhurst, a leading British activist. In 1889, she founded the Women’s Franchise League in London to fight for allow married women to vote in local elections. Later, she became member of the WPSU, a militant organization, with her members called “suffragettes”, and as many of them, she was often arrested and went on hunger strike herself. The beginning of the First World War put an end to this period of change, but in 1918, the government allowed women over 30 to vote. Nowadays, Emmeline Pankhurst is seen as a heroin, because she fought for a great cause, and helped to grant women’s rights, as the right to vote. In a completely different context, heroes try to make the good not by fighting for a cause, but by educating people, to help them to tell the difference between dreams and reality, or between artificial and real needs. Fareed Zakaria wrote an article untitled “How to restore the American Dream” in which he explores this multi-faceted dream. He explains that when he was a young Indian boy, in the Seventies, America seemed dazzling, with huge open spaces and beautiful skyscrapers, through series like Dallas. A few years later, when he came in United States to study, he visited his friends’ hometowns, and he tells he was astonished of the spacious suburban houses people could afford, whenever they had modest jobs. As Zakaria said, the real American Dream of those post-war years was not fancy cars or shining cities, but this middle-class optimism, this sunny attitude people had toward life. In USA, life seems peaceful and especially in the suburbs, but the American way to educate is sometimes based on wrong values. In “The mask you live in”, a 2015 documentary film dealing with masculinity, we have an idea of how boys are raised. From birth, they are told to be tough, not to cry because being sensitive is seen as being a coward, a weak. For centuries, in Americans’ minds, respect was close to violence, and today, boys think they have to be violent to be respected. This culture doesn’t value relationships and feelings, so boys feel insecure, and some of them commit suicide every year. Finally, to conclude with the notion Myths and Heroes, we can say Emmeline Pankhurst created her myth, the myth of the “suffragette”: an independent woman who wanted gender equality and did anything she can to make it, even by risking her own life. Fareed Zakaria broke the myth of the American Dream to create a real hope based on facts, and producers of “The mask you live in” explained why the myth of the tough man is destructive to boys, and shown that promoting sensitiveness, feelings and empathy is what American society needs to raise children.

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