Bonjour j'ai préparé ce thème en Anglais mais je trouve cela assez court pour une présentation de 5mn à l'oral. Pourriez-vous me rajouter quelques phrases ( en anglais) en rapport avec mon sujet + idée de problématique svp ? Introduction : The word << Fast Food >> is a term that covers all institutions, that offers to the customers fast food. The objective is to save the customers time by allowing them to eat in or takeaway. First of all we will talk about the menus, then ,we will see the risks to your body and finally we will conclude on how they manage to attract young adults. Développement : 1/ Menus Most fast food restauration do not worry or care about the products sold to the customer. Example: oil’s frites that changes rarely when normally they must change it 2 or 3 times daily. The sandwich ready in the morning can stay all day in its box to be sold the next day. 2/ Risk to your body Added to the fast food drinks are unlimited and causes Serious health problems such as obesity for example soda is a source of sugar that carries only sugar and water. Hour Health is in danger because of the fast that can also be a risk of diabetes and heart diseases, cancers, high blood pressure, prostate, pancreas, ovaries, uterus, bowel and sleep disorders. 3/ How they manage to attract young adults. To attract young people to fast food we may found for each kid’s menu a toy or a dvd. You can also organize your birthday party in Most of the fast Food location. Conclusion To limitet your fast Food consomation you would better eat there once a week and practice sport regulary.
Bonjour j'ai préparé ce thème en Anglais mais je trouve cela assez court pour une présentation de 5mn à l'oral. Pourriez-vous me rajouter quelques phrases en rapport avec mon sujet + idée de problématique svp ? Introduction : The word << Fast Food >> is a term that covers all institutions, that offers to the customers fast food. The objective is to save the customers time by allowing them to eat in or takeaway. First of all we will talk about the menus, then ,we will see the risks to your body and finally we will conclude on how they manage to attract young adults. Développement : 1/ Menus Most fast food restauration do not worry or care about the products sold to the customer. Example: oil’s frites that changes rarely when normally they must change it 2 or 3 times daily. The sandwich ready in the morning can stay all day in its box to be sold the next day. 2/ Risk to your body Added to the fast food drinks are unlimited and causes Serious health problems such as obesity for example soda is a source of sugar that carries only sugar and water. Hour Health is in danger because of the fast that can also be a risk of diabetes and heart diseases, cancers, high blood pressure, prostate, pancreas, ovaries, uterus, bowel and sleep disorders. 3/ How they manage to attract young adults. To attract young people to fast food we may found for each kid’s menu a toy or a dvd. You can also organize your birthday party in Most of the fast Food location. Conclusion To limitet your fast Food consomation you would better eat there once a week and practice sport regulary.
Slt, est-ce que quelqu'un aurait l’amabilité de me corriger les fautes présentent dans mon texte. Will Donald trump win the american presidential elections of 2016 ? Ou Donald Trump ferait il un bon président des États Unis D’Amérique ? Donald John Trump born on June 14th, 1946 in New York is an American businessman. A billionaire of the real estate he is also a television presenter and a politician. Donald Trump is famous for having beaten his empire, his fame over prestigious buildings which bears generally its name. Most of its realizations are in the State of New York, with in particular skyscrapers, and big Atlantic City casino. In June, 2015 Donald Trump announces his application in the primary sectors of the republican party for the presidential election of 2016. From the next month, he is almost systematically leading the polls of opinion for the campaign of primary sectors in the republican nomination. Populist language and resolutely anti-immigration distinguishes his partner and arouses numerous criticisms. I am going to quote you some examples of choice which he will integrate if, he became the president of the United States of America. He is planning to forbid the safe late abortion because of rape, of incest or for reasons of health. He wants to re-forbid the same-sex marriage. Donald Trump declares in his community that he wants to forbid the entrance of the immigrants but also the visitors and the Muslim tourists. During the announcement of his application he had persisted in his attacks against Mexico, by reaffirming that if he was elected, he would force Mexico to finance a wall along the border with the United States because according to him the Mexican immigrants are drug dealers, criminals and rapists ". He declares himself favorable to the use of the torture in particular of the waterboarding the torture by the water against the presumed jihadists and he declares believe in me it works and you know what. If it does not work, they deserve it all the same. >> According to me Hillary clinton merits better her place as president of the United States of America then Donald Trump because hillary clinton is better for expressing herself, that what returns friendly and proposes the best choices while Donald Trump is also vulgar in his words and it can dissuade the Americans to vote against him. If hillary is elected that will make of her the first women becoming president of the united states
Slt, est-ce que quelqu'un aurait l’amabilité de me corriger les fautes présentent dans mon texte. La Corrida La corrida es una especie de carrera de toros que consiste en un combate entre el hombre y el toro, al final de la cual el toro es matado o, excepcionalmente Es practicada sobre todo en España, Portugal, en el Midi et en algunas partes de America Latina. La corrida empieza por un paseo, el desfile inicial de todos los participantes. El combate se divide en tres partes, durante la primera, el tercio de picas, dos picadores se enfrentan al toro y lo hieren gracias a un largo pico, lo que permite debilitar el toro y evaluar su comportamiento. Durante el segundo tercio, los banderilleros, a veces el mismo matador, clavan tres pares de banderillas en la espalda del toro. Para concluir, el matador, después de unos pases ejecutados con la muleta, mata el toro clavándole una espada de un golpe limpio. Cuando los hinchas están animando el torero, un pobre animal está siendo maltratado. Antes los ojos de los hinchas sentado en los tendidos, un toro va muriendo. Las corridas de toros no sòlo están basadas en la tortura sino tambien el dolor y el ensañamiento con el toro, así como en el desprecio hacia los derechos de los animales …! Por esta razón debemos luchar contra este espectáculo repugnante ¡ Actualmente muchas personas se acuden a las plazas de toros para ver la tauromaquia y tan, la corrida sigue masacrando a los animales…! Las corridas de toros son una práctica inhumana ¡ ¡ Un espectáculo que tiene como objetivo final la muerte del animal debe cesar !
Une correction SVP ? La Corrida La corrida es una especie de carrera de toros que consiste en un combate entre el hombre y el toro, al final de la cual el toro es matado o, excepcionalmente Es practicada sobre todo en España, Portugal, en el Midi et en algunas partes de America Latina. La corrida empieza por un paseo, el desfile inicial de todos los participantes. El combate se divide en tres partes, durante la primera, el tercio de picas, dos picadores se enfrentan al toro y lo hieren gracias a un largo pico, lo que permite debilitar el toro y evaluar su comportamiento. Durante el segundo tercio, los banderilleros, a veces el mismo matador, clavan tres pares de banderillas en la espalda del toro. Para concluir, el matador, después de unos pases ejecutados con la muleta, mata el toro clavándole una espada de un golpe limpio. Cuando los hinchas están animando el torero, un pobre animal está siendo maltratado. Antes los ojos de los hinchas sentado en los tendidos, un toro va muriendo. Las corridas de toros no sòlo están basadas en la tortura sino tambien el dolor y el ensañamiento con el toro, así como en el desprecio hacia los derechos de los animales …! Por esta razón debemos luchar contra este espectáculo repugnante ¡ Actualmente muchas personas se acuden a las plazas de toros para ver la tauromaquia y tan, la corrida sigue masacrando a los animales…! Las corridas de toros son una práctica inhumana ¡ ¡ Un espectáculo que tiene como objetivo final la muerte del animal debe cesar !

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