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January 2023 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, j’ai besoin d’aide pour la réalisation de ce devoir, que je dis rendre demain ( niveau 5eme ). Merci à vous. CONSTRUCTION GEOMETRIQUE Trace un cercle de centre O et de rayon 10 cm et deux diamètres perpendiculaires [AB] et [CD]. Trace les bissectrices des 4 angles ainsi formés qui coupent le cercle en E₁, E2, E3 et E4. De C et B comme centres, trace deux arcs de cercle passant par E, et qui se recoupent en F₁. Trace un arc de cercle de centre E4 passant par E, qui coupe [OB] en G₁ puis un arc de cercle de centre E₂ passant par E, et qui coupe [OC] en G₂. Place sur [OE.] le point H₁ tel que OH₁ = 4,5 cm puis place des points semblables H₂, H3 et H4 respectivement sur [OE₂], [OE3] et [OE4] à 4,5 cm de O. Trace un arc de centre H4 passant par C qui coupe l'arc de cercle qui va de E₁ à G₂ en K₁, puis trace l'arc de centre H₂ passant par B qui coupe l'arc qui va de E₁ à G₁ en K₂. Trace un arc de centre K₁ passant par G₂ qui recoupe [OC] en I2 puis un arc de centre K₂ passant par G₁ qui recoupe [OB] en I₁. Trace un cercle de centre O passant par G₁ et ₂. Trace les segments [G₂F₁], [F₁G₁], puis [G₂G₁]. Trace le cercle de centre O passant par F₁ qui coupe [OC] en J2, [OE4] en F4, [OB] en J₁ et [OE₂] en F₂. Trace [F₁F4], [F₁F₂], [J₁J₂]. Le segment [J₁J₂] coupe [F₁F4] en L2 et [F₂F₂] en L₁. Tracez [OL₂] et [OL₁]. Continuez le dessin par symétrie par rapport à (AB), puis par symétrie par rapport à O.
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
long exposé en anglais sur Londre, ( oral qui doit durer 5 minutesje dois faire un long exposé sur Londrequelqu'un peux m'aiderje sais ce que je dois dire mais je sais pas rédiger, qui parle bien anglais et pourrait m'aider svp
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
bonjour à tous j'espere que vous allez bien, dans 2 semaine je dois passer à l'oral et présenter 3 exposés en les connaissant par cœur, je dois en faire un sur Londres, mais j'ai vraiment du mal, je ne sais pas quoi dire, cela fait plu d'un mois que j'essaye mais j'y arrive pas, je n'est pas les mots, y'aurai-il quelqu'un qui a déjà fait un exposé en anglais pourrait m'aider, ou quelqu'un qui parle super bien anglais qui pourrait juste me rédiger ce que je pourrait dire, et je ajouterais le reste Bonne journée merci d'avance
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
bonjours savez vous s’il y a des épreuves à passer lorsqu’on est en premières année à l’université svp
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours à tous, pour ceux qui parlent espag’ol, com’ent Dit ont en espagnol« aujourd’hui je vais vous parler de mon stage» « j’ai répondu au téléphone, j’ai fait du classement»
October 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjours j’espère que vous allez tous bien Pouvez vous lire mon exposé? Est il compréhensible ? Y’a t’il des erreurs ? Merci beaucoup Introduction : Hello my name is Anne-Sophie I am studying management. Today I'm going to introduce a famous TV show Which is called My family first. I enjoy this series and I've been watching since I was ten years old. My friends often talk to me about it. The characters are funny and always make me laugh. Moreover, the actors are talented. development : My wife and Kids is an American Tv show which has one hundred and twenty three episodes. each episode lasts twenty minutes. It was created by Don Romeo and Damon Wayans. it is a series that has had a real success, with an audience of more than four million viewers. it has been broadcasted on ABC channel, between two thousand and two thousand five. In France, the series was broadcasted on September twenty nine, two Thousand three on M6. The producers are Susan Cranck and Buddy Johnson, They are american producers. The Main actors are Damon Wayans, Tisha Campbell, George Olivier Gore, Parker McKenna Posey , and Jennifer Nicole Freeman. The series takes place at the beginning of the twenty first century, in the city of Stamford , located in the state of Connecticut. The Kyle family is a family of five people, including Damon Wayans, who plays Mickael Kyle, he is the father of the family, he is forty years old, he owns a trucking company, he is very funny, he loves basketball, and he is a perfectionist but he can be stupid sometimes. He is married to Tisha Campbell who plays Janet Kyle, she is the mother of the family, she is forty one years old, She doesn’t work so she stays at home to take care of her children. Janet is a woman who is complexed by her curves, she has a strong spirit of competitiveness, she is the mother of George Olivier Gore, who plays the role of Junior Kyle, he is sixteen years old, he is the eldest, he is considered the idiot of the family, he's in a relationship with a girl named Meagan Good, she plays Vanessa Scott, she's fifteen, she's nice, and calm, Junior is a rap fan, and he's a student, he's Parker McKenna Posey's older brother, who plays Claire Kyle, she's fourteen, she's a student, she's authoritarian, and she's in a relationship with Andrew McFarlane, who plays Tony Jefferson, he's sixteen years old, he's a sweet boy, he's polite, Claire is Jennifer Nicole Freeman's older sister, who plays Kady Kyle, she's eight years old, she's bilingual, she has a boyfriend named Noah Gray, who plays Franklin, he's nine years old, he loves playing the piano a lot, he's very talented and intelligent, and he wants to marry Kady This series tells the story of a perfect family, very well off, who lives in a beautiful neighborhood. The children are very spoiled, and are difficult to manage, they are arguing all the time, Claire likes to flirt with boys, Junior is a teenager who likes to make jokes, and Kady likes to do silly things, they are very difficult to handle. The mother always does everything at home, her husband is always watching TV, or he plays basketball with his friends. This is a really hilarious series, it shows us the daily life of a comic family, the actors are very funny, and play their roles well. Conclusion: conclusion, this TV series shows us a daily life of a kindhearted, funny family but also shows us that family means everything to them. I recommend this series to anyone who loves to laugh and likes jokes, silly things and more like I do. I hope that you enjoyed my presentation, Thank you for your attention.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour c’est un Exposé à corriger svp je sens qu’il y a des erreurs Introduction: today I'm going to talk about an American fast food called kfc, it was created in 1939 by Colonel Sanders, an American cook who was born September 9, 1890 in the United States and he died December 16, 1980. He is the founder of KFC, since he was little he was passionate about cooking, he exercised many trades during his youth to provide for the beosins of his family, heveryone was happy with his cooking, but he had a childhood difficult because his parents were severel Develoment :Now, I'm going to talk about fast food kfc, it's a fast food restaurant that aims to provide fast service to customers, for a price usually lower than in traditional catering. Kfc is the Kentucky Fried Chicken abstract. Kentucky is a city located in America, and it is in this city that the creator of Kfc cooked fried chickens Kfc is part of Yum Group, which is a large American company, located in Louisville, Kentucky. There are more than seven thousand KFC restaurants across America. Kfc is present worldwide. Customers are attracted to kfc because it does not sell cheap and their chicken are very good. One hundred percent of the chicken kfc come from Europe, the chickens are of quality, and have a unique flavor, and that is why many people love this fast food. Kfc restaurants can order menus with accompaniments such as mayonnaise cabbage salad, hamburgers, fries, etc. But because of fast food like Kfc, forty percent of the American population is obese, and we must act because many people die because of their obesity. I was afraid of becoming obese, so I don’t go there too much like I used to, because I used to go there all the time, and I almost got overweight. This kind of fast food can create serious diseases such as diabetes, so we have to be careful. the food they offer is very caloric, and that’s why you have to limit his consumption. People most affected by obesity are between eight and fifty years old. Kfc is my favorite fast food, but I stopped going there, when I discovered that I gained a lot of weight from going there all day... Conclusion : Kfc is a fast food that sells products that are very good, but especially bad for health, you should not go to Kfc every day, because to have good health, you have to eat healthy and balanced meals. Eat vegetables, or starches, instead of going to Kfc. I hope that you enjoyed my presentation, Thank you for your attention.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours j’ai traduit mon texte en français, mais lorsque j’ai traduit ça ne voulait rien dire, et j’ai peur que mon texte aussi soit incompréhensible, pouvait vous m’aider à corriger mes erreurs svp Introduction: Hello today I am going to speak of a very beautiful city, very abundant called London, it is a very old city because it was founded two thousand years ago by the Romans. Previously, the city was called Londonium and was in the 19th century the most populous city in the world. Development : London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, it is located in the south-east of Great Britain. London is also located in Europe. the inhabitants of london are called londoner , and they speak english. London is most known for many historical monuments. Here are some examples of some famous historical monuments: Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, etc... My favorite historical monument is Tower of London because I like its story inside this monument. There are many rooms to visit inside the tower and what I like more is the jewelry of the queen. When I first stepped inside the room where the queen's jewelry was, I was fascinated by the amazing jewelry all the queens of England had owned. It was amazing to see it in real and it was such an amazing experience. When I stayed in London with my family, we went to many restaurants, and we ate such delicious food! We ate one of the typical dishes out there which was Fish and Chips. The fish over there was very yummy and it wasn't like a fish we would normally eat in France. Also, when I visited London, my family bought me a souvenir from this amazing trip. In addition, we stayed in a hotel in London which our view from our room was Tower Bridge. It was a very pretty view because when the bridge opened, the boats could come and it was amazing. I would never forget this awesome trip and I've visited so many things!
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Qui peux corriger mes faute svp? Et me faire part de mes erreurs. Je suis pas si c’est bon, c’est pour un exposé que je dois faire en anglais sur Londre... Hello, today I'm going to be talking about a very populated country called London. London is situated in England and it's capital is London. London is also located in Europe. This country speaks english and is most known for many historical monuments. Here are some examples of some famous historical monuments: Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, etc... My favourite historical monument is Tower of London because I like its story inside this monument. There are many rooms to visit inside the tower and what I like more is the jewellry of he queen. When I first stepped inside the room where the queen's jewellry was, I was fascinated by the amazing jewellry all the queens of England had owned. It was amazing to see it in real and it was such an amazing experience. When I stayed in London with my family, we went to many restaurants and we ate such delicious food! We ate one of the typical dishes out there which was Fish and Chips. The fish over there was very yummy and it wasn't like a fish we would normally eat in France. Also, when I visited London, my family bought me a souvenir from this amazing trip. In addition, we stayed in a hotel in London which our view from our room was Tower Bridge. It was a very pretty view because when the bridge opened, the boats could come and it was amazing. I would never forget this awesome trip and I've visited so much things!
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour fait un exposé, j’aurai besoin qu’ont m’indiquent les fautes s’il y en na, corriger mes erreurs svp, pour ceux qui comprennent bien l’anglais merci beaucoup Introduction: today I'm going to talk about an American fast food called kfc, it was created in 1939 by Colonel Sanders, an American cook who was born September 9, 1890 in the United States and he died December 16, 1980. He is the founder of KFC, since he was little he was passionate about cooking, he exercised many trades during his youth to provide for the beosins of his family, heveryone was happy with his cooking, but he had a childhood difficult because his parents were severely. Develoment :Now, I'm going to talk about fast food kfc, it's a fast food restaurant that aims to provide fast service to customers, for a price usually lower than in traditional catering. Kfc is the Kentucky Fried Chicken abstract. Kentucky is a city located in America, and it is in this city that the creator of Kfc cooked fried chickens Kfc is part of Yum Group, which is a large American company, located in Louisville, Kentucky. There are more than seven thousand KFC restaurants across America. Kfc is present worldwide. Customers are attracted to kfc because it does not sell cheap and their chicken are very good. One hundred percent of the chicken kfc come from Europe, the chickens are of quality, and have a unique flavor, and that is why many people love this fast food. Kfc restaurants can order menus with accompaniments such as mayonnaise cabbage salad, hamburgers, fries, etc. But because of fast food like Kfc, forty percent of the American population is obese, and we must act because many people die because of their obesity. I was afraid of becoming obese, so I don’t go there too much like I used to, because I used to go there all the time, and I almost got overweight. This kind of fast food can create serious diseases such as diabetes, so we have to be careful. the food they offer is very caloric, and that’s why you have to limit his consumption. People most affected by obesity are between eight and fifty years old. Kfc is my favorite fast food, but I stopped going there, when I discovered that I gained a lot of weight from going there all day... Conclusion : Kfc is a fast food that sells products that are very good, but especially bad for health, you should not go to Kfc every day, because to have good health, you have to eat healthy and balanced meals. Eat vegetables, or starches, instead of going to Kfc. I hope that you enjoyed my presentation, Thank you for your attention.
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