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July 2023 | 2 Respostas
Leia o anúncio de emprego publicado no site da empresa Innocent Drinks. What we're looking for Our people are what makes innocent great. It’s all well and good having a smart office and a fancy logo, but without the right people we wouldn’t be where we are today. To keep us heading in the right direction, we need to hire curious, creative new people with brilliant fresh ideas. We want them to understand and embody our values, make innocent a place that works for everyone and help others be the best version of themselves. Have a read through a more detailed list of what we’re looking for here. 1) Game raisers We want people who take responsibility for their own development and can see opportunities all around them. The ones who roll up their sleeves, get stuck in, and won’t stop until they get an answer. 2) Simplifiers We look for people who understand complicated stuff and make it simple. People who are comfortable working through confusing situations, and can get creative to come up with great solutions. 3) Leaders Great leaders spot opportunities and if they’re 70% sure, they go for it. We want them to leave things better than they found them, not wait to be asked and continuously strive to improve. They’ll need to embrace change and be resilient in the face of the occasional setback. 4) Team players We’re after people who are great at building relationships across the business. People who look for strengths in their team, are generous with feedback and will contribute to our wider culture. 5) People who deliver We recruit people who play their part in getting us to where we want to be. They can see what adds the most value and are up for taking a risk if they spot a great opportunity. Ultimately, we want people who can deliver a great result for us. Fonte: . Acesso em 06 de jun. 2022. Adaptado. Considerando as informações contidas no texto, analise as afirmações a seguir: I. A empresa procura por pessoas que não corram riscos demais, ainda que percebam grandes oportunidades de crescimento. II. Por meio do anúncio, a empresa explica que busca por líderes que busquem por melhorias contínuas, e que sejam resilientes em face de possíveis obstáculos. III. De acordo com o anúncio, a empresa quer ter em seu quadro de funcionários pessoas que se responsabilizem pelo seu próprio desenvolvimento e que vejam as oportunidades que aparecem ao seu redor. IV. O anúncio da empresa reconhece que ela que possui um escritório inteligente, mas destaca o fato de que não estaria onde está hoje se não tivesse as pessoas certas em seu quadro de funcionários. É correto o que se afirma em: Alternativas Alternativa 1: II, apenas. Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: II e IV, apenas. Alternativa 4: II, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.
July 2023 | 1 Respostas
O “abstract” é um gênero acadêmico, cujo propósito é apresentar ao leitor um resumo das informações contidas em um artigo científico. O texto a seguir é um “abstract” de um artigo acerca do uso e do ensino da língua inglesa como língua franca, originalmente publicado na revista International Journal of Applied Linguistics, no ano de 2004. Non‐native‐speaker teachers and English as an International Language Enric Llurda Abstract This article reviews the recent literature on English as an International Language (EIL), taking into consideration the main implications of such literature for English language teaching. Relevant research on non‐native‐speaker (NNS) teachers is discussed, together with their role in the context of the global need for English language teachers, specially in EFL countries. It is claimed that the confluence of recent research on EIL, together with the increasing appreciation of NNS teachers – both in ESL and EFL contexts – are creating the right conditions for the gradual acceptance of English as a Lingua Franca, with the consequence of a decrease in the role of native‐speaker teachers in setting the principles and norms on which this lingua franca will be taught in the future. Considerando as informações contidas no texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas. I. O autor do texto utiliza “will” no trecho que se refere aos princípios e normas pelas quais o inglês como língua franca será ensinada no futuro PORQUE II. a partir da pesquisa apresentada, percebe-se, como consequência, um aumento da importância status do professor falante nativo da língua inglesa enquanto modelo de língua. A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta. Alternativas Alternativa 1: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 2: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 3: A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa. Alternativa 4: A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira. Alternativa 5: As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
July 2023 | 2 Respostas
Leia, a seguir, o excerto de um artigo sobre a busca de elementos da estética grega em um site de imagens. The mysterious ancient civilisation that resonates now By Beverley D'Silva5th June 2022 Why does the first great Greek civilisation continue to inspire artists and designers today? Beverley D'Silva explores the Hellenistic revival and its roots with the ancient Minoans of Crete. Corinthian columns; sculptures of goddesses and god-like figures; sun-baked buildings bleached bone white; geraniums planted in olive-oil cans; the obligatory cats lolling about – If you're dreaming of all things Greek, you're not alone. We're in the midst of a Hellenistic revival, a fascination with the Ancient Greek aesthetic that's being most keenly embraced by the post-millennial Gen Z, according to Pinterest. The site reports a rise in trending search terms searches such as Ancient Greek jewellery (up 120%) and wallpaper with an Aphrodite aesthetic (up 180%), and a triple increase in Greek statue art. We can but speculate as to why this should this be, but perhaps there's truth in the idea that the fantasy and opulence of magical Ancient Greece is highly attractive in a post-lockdown age – just as Dior's New Look marked a return to indulgent fashion following World War Two's austerity and utilitarian clothing. It's no surprise that the influence and impact of Ancient Greece resonates today. (…). The people of Hellas – as the lands of the Hellenes were called (the names Greece and Greek were conferred on them later by the Romans) were great thinkers, writers, warriors, actors, athletes, artists and politicians. (...) Think Aristotle in his studies of plants, animals and rocks; Herodotus in writing history; Socrates and Plato in philosophy. The Greeks pioneered democracy; reading with an alphabet; the Olympics; geometry and mathematical calculations; health innovations (the Hippocratic oath is still a standard of ethics for physicians); great architecture, like the Parthenon, Temple of Zeus and Acropolis; theatre, care of Greek comedy and tragedy; and language – with an estimated 150,000 English words still in use being derived from Greek words. All this before we've touched on religion and deities. For sheer fantasy value, what can beat the idea of a family of superpowers – such as Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo and Poseidon – dwelling in a cloud palace above Mount Olympus, each controlling a different aspect of life? For some, such as Eric Weiner, author of The Socrates Express, a treatise on the ancients' philosophy and travel, the Ancient Greeks have a lot to teach us bout values today. In an essay on how technology can deceive us, especially in relation to war reporting, he writes: "One way to build a brighter future is by revisiting the past. Ancient Greece in particular." Weiner adds: "The Greeks, imperfect as they were, honoured beauty and justice and moral excellence, and so they cultivated these values. We honour speed and connectivity and portability, so that is what we get." (...) Fonte: . Acesso em 06 de jun. de 2022. Adaptado. Considerando os usos de ’s no texto avalie as assertivas como V para verdadeiras e F como falsas. Depois, assinale a alternativa correta. I. Em “All this before we've touched on religion and deities” o demonstrativo “this” refere-se a “religion”. II. No título do texto (“The mysterious ancient civilisation that resonates now”) a palavra “that” poderia ser substituída por “those” sem prejuízo do significado da frase. III. No trecho “Weiner adds: ‘The Greeks, imperfect as they were, honoured beauty and justice and moral excellence, and so they cultivated these values’”, a expressão “these values” refere-se ao termo “beauty and justice”. IV. Em “We can but speculate as to why this should this be, but perhaps there's truth in the idea that the fantasy and opulence of magical Ancient Greece is highly attractive in a post-lockdown age”, o demonstrativo “this” que aparece entre os termos “why” e “should” refere-se à palavra “truth”. As assertivas I, II, III e IV são, respectivamente: Alternativas Alternativa 1: F, V, V, F Alternativa 2: F, F, V, F Alternativa 3: V, F, F, F Alternativa 4: V, F, V, F Alternativa 5: F, F, V, V
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