Bonsoir, quelqu'un peut corriger les fautes et reformuler quelques phrases pour ma notion d'anglais pour mon oral:   The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisation's vision of history. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all, as it may shake up deep-rooted, highly respected conventions and beliefs. To what extent is sport a vector of progress? We'll see in a first step, emancipation of womens who can participate of Games Olympics then, show ceremonies sportsmen allow to raise problems and to highlight them.   First of all, the International Olympic Commitee stipulated « Saudi men could only participate» The women are not authorized in Olympics Games, in particular women as Wojdan Shaherkani who participated in the jo as athlete veiled. Saudi Arabia agreed to send two women provided judo fighter could wear a headscarf during her matches.The Olympic Games are supposed to be no place of any kind of demonstration political and religious. It isworth wondering why then W.Shaherkani was allowed to show a religious opinion. Saudi Arabia not taking part in the Games would have meant a lot on its position in today's world.   However, ceremonies sportsmen allow to raise problems and to highlight them. For example, a nail polish rainbow could cost the detention in one athlete Swedish.   Expression staff or homosexual propaganda? How one athlete Swedish of the world championships of Moscow could be imprisoned for its nail polish? One athlete Swedish to clerk a light act of mistrust to the laws anti gay of Russia. Emma Green Tregano, athlete of high jump of the Swedish team showed the nails paint of red, yellow,gold , blue and purple. " It did good " says she " I would not say that it was the protest but the statement of what I think " this business could cost to her two weeks of detention.   The picture where has represented three men, takes place in Summer Olympics Stadium in Mexico City in 1968. A controversy broke out at the end of the men's final of the 200 meters. The American runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos arrived first and third. They pointed their fist gloved black skyward on the podium at the medals during the American anthem. This gesture was declared outrageous by the International Olympic Commitee, which ordered American officials to suspend Smith and Carlos.   In Winter Olympics Games of London, one athlete Tibetan participated in the Jo for the colors of China. China and the Tibet encourage this athlete, the Tibet waves their flag but China banished it. This athlete is called Choeyang Kyi in the Tibet and Qieyang Shenjie in China, she has won a bronze medal. It was the first time when the Tibet participates in Olympics Games. China and Tibet are in conflict.     Eventually, vector sport of progress brotherhood of the peoples, but made become aware of tensions.    
Bonjour, j'ai un exercice de maths sur lequel je bloque à toutes les questions du petit 3. Voici l'énoncé : On étudie la répartition des revenus disponibles par ménage, en France, en 2008, sur l'ensemble de la population. On dispose du graphique suivant, sur lequel on lit: - en abscisses : la part cumulée x des ménages (rangés par ordre croissant de leur revenu) par rapport à l'ensemble des ménages; - en ordonnées : la part cumulée y des revenus disponibles de ces ménages. Ce graphique permet d'obtenir la courbe de Lorenz C, représentant la fonction définie sur [0;1] par : f(x)=1,75x4-2,8x3+2,1x2-0,05x. La droite a pour équation y=x. 1)a. Calculer f(0) et f(1). Interpréter. b. Calculer f(0,2). Interpréter le résultat.  J'ai obtenu f(0)=0 et f(1)=1. ainsi que f(0,2)= 0,0544. 2)a. Déterminer une primitive F de f sur [0;1]. b. Calculer l'intégrale 01f(x)dx. Interpréter graphiquement le résultat obtenu. J'ai trouvé F(x)=0,35x5-0,7x4+0,7x3-0,025x2. Et l'intégrale est égale à 0,325. 3)On rappelle que l'indice de Gini est le quotient de l'aire du domaine D dans le graphique, par l'aire du triangle OAB, les aires étant exprimées dans la même unité. 3a) Justifier que l'indice de gini s'écrit  =1-2F(1)+2F(0) b) Calculer l'indice de gini des revenus disponibles des ménages en France en 2008.  c) Question ouverte: En réalité on peut lire sur le site de l'INSEE que l'indice de Gini des revenus disponibles étant égal à 0,346 en 2008. Obtient-on le même résultat qu'à la question b? Sinon, donner une raison à cette différence. Pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance.

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