SVP pouvez-vous m aider pour ce devoir. MERCI 3. Fill in the blanks with a personal pronoun object or a reflexive pronoun. a- You must excuse _____________________ but my son isn’t very polite. b- It is not difficult, I am sure you can do it ____________________________. c- You needn’t wait for __________. The president and his wife won’t come tonight. d- What I did was really bad, I am ashamed of ___________________________. e- Though you seem to know ____________________, I’m afraid I don’t know you! f- Pete! I wonder why that policeman is looking at ___________________! g- Hey! It’s not Sue’s fault, you can’t blame _______________________. h- Can I take another biscuit? – Of course, help ___________________________! i- You must meet Sarah. I’ll introduce _____________________ to her. j- I didn’t want anybody to see the letters, so I burnt _______________________. k- If people work too much, they can make ________________________ ill. l- We couldn’t get back into the house, we had locked __________________ out. m- Gosh! What was that noise? – Don’t worry; the door has just closed __________. 4. Recap: Complete the letter with the right pronoun or adjective. Dear Laura Thank you for _____ letter. It was good to hear from _______ and to get some news. Let _____ tell you my news. In June, _______ sister, Sue, is getting married to John. Do you remember? I met John ten years ago, so he’s an old friend of __________. ________ are getting married in the afternoon and my parents are having a big party for _______________ in the evening. I am really happy! After the wedding they are coming to stay with ___________ because they haven’t got a house yet. So _______ will be one big, happy family. My brother, Kevin, is taking ______________________ final exams next month. After that ____________________wants to get a job in a hospital. I think it will be difficult for _________ but he really wants to become a doctor. Good luck to ______! Last week I met Jane and Christina Barton. Do you remember _______________? I gave Jane your telephone number and she gave me __________________. Perhaps we can all meet sometime soon. I must stop now. By the way I have found a silver pen in my room, it’s not __________________. Is it _______________________? My parents send _________________ love to you and _______________ parents. Wendy
Bonsoir pouvez vous m aider pour ces quetions STP 3. From actions in series to a paragraph: Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraph on the right without changing the meaning: use the past perfect when necessary. Somebody broke into the office during the night. We arrived at work in the morning. We called the police. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody ____________ into the office during the night. So, we _______________. Laura went out this morning. I tried to phone her. There was no answer. I tried to phone Laura this morning, but _______________ no answer. She ______________________out. Jim came back from holiday a few days ago. I met him the same day. He looked very well. I met Jim a few days ago. He _________ just ___________________ back from holiday. He _______________ very well. Kevin sent Sally lots of emails. She never replied to them. Yesterday he got a phone call from her. He was very surprised. Yesterday Kevin ____________ from Sally. He _______________ very surprised. He _____________ lots of emails but she _________________. 4. RECAP: Complete this paragraph putting the verbs into the right form of the past (past simple / past continuous / past perfect). Daniel is telling the story of how he forgot his passport. It ___________________________ (happen) last August at the airport. A few weeks before, a group of us ______________ (decide) to go to Greece together for holiday. We __________________ (wait) in the queue at the passport control when suddenly I ___________________ (realise) that I __________________ (forget) my passport. It __________________ (be) quite a shock! I ________________ (hurry) to phone and I __________________ (call) my parents. They ______________ (work) in the garden but luckily my mum ___________ (hear) the phone. They __________ (find) the passport and immediately __________ (drive) to the airport. I ______________________________(meet) them at the information desk. We ________________________(have) no time to talk but I __________________(say) goodbye to them earlier that morning. I ____________________________ (run) all the way to the plane to get just in time. When I _____________ (get) there, the passengers _____________________ (sit) in their seats ready for take-off. When they _________________________ (see) me, everybody ____________________ (clap).
SVP aider moi A SCHOOL IN HARLEM Emmanuel Kostakis is the principal of a junior High School in Harlem, in a neighborhood with drug, unemployment problems and block after block of uninhabited buildings. 10% of the students are Asian, 70% are Hispanic and 20% are Black. This is an interview: How long have you been principal of this school? Since the very beginning! 12 years ago there was nothing here, just an empty building that used to be a High School with such a terrible reputation that the City Hall decided to close it down. “What a great opportunity” I thought to set up something different! And we did. Is Harlem really different from the rest of the city? It’s a world apart! Harlem is in Manhattan and yet downtown Manhattan is such a different and inaccessible world! There are so many things that kids here can’t have! That’s why they feel a lot of anger and frustration. How do they show this anger? They fight. Fighting is part of their culture. Even parents say: “don’t hesitate to fight if you feel threatened.” When they get touched, they have to touch back. What do you mean? Let’s take an example: you are in a crowded corridor, someone bumps into you or looks at you, it can be just a glance. You want to show you are tougher and not afraid, so does he. You don’t want to lose face, neither does he. So you fight! It’s the only way they know to resolve their conflicts. They don’t listen, they react. But your school has an excellent reputation. How do you explain it? Yes we are in Harlem and yet this school has become a magnet school. First, we specialize in what kids here need most: technology and computer science. Secondly, we have zero tolerance for weapons or petty weapons, drugs (including cigarettes) and fighting. Any student who breaks the rule gets an automatic suspension. Thirdly, the students know we are there for them. We understand that their attitude is often a sign of painful personal problems. Do you feel you have succeeded? Yes I do. It’s the first time that a school located in Harlem has attracted students from all over the city. There are very few drop-outs and many of our students have continued their studies and finished college. Many of them can say “I’ve come a long way”. READING COMPREHENSION • Say whether these sentences are true or false and in both cases justify by quoting from the text. • Harlem is in downtown Manhattan. - • The population of Harlem is multiracial. - • There are many drug addicts and unemployed people in the neighborhood. - • The school has been settled for over 12 years. - • The new junior High School moved into an empty building. - • Students from all parts of the city want to come to this school. - • Teenagers in Harlem have as many things as teens living in other parts of the city. - • Fights only take place after long discussions. - • Drugs are not tolerated. - • If a student carries a weapon of any kind, he / she is suspended. - • If a student gets into a fight, he / she can still go to class. - • Many students from this school have succeeded in their professional lives. - • Complete the following sentences. • The students feel a lot of anger and frustration because… - • They fight because… - • If a student brings a gun… - VOCABULARY Find the equivalent of these words or expressions in the text. • A hallway - • Squats - • Full of people - • Someone makes you feel you are in danger - • A school that attracts - • Strong and resolute (determined) - • Have a look at - • A world reserved for others that you can’t be part of - • I have overcome many problems - • Act of stopping for a while - • People who give up / give in -
Bonjour pouvez vous m aider pour ce devoir stp Merci Activité 1 : lisez les textes suivants. Texte A : Le jour parut; je courus chez Elléonore. Elle était couchée, ayant passé la nuit à pleurer; ses yeux étaient encore humides, et ses cheveux étaient épars; elle me vit entrer avec surprise. « Viens, lui dis-je, partons.» Elle voulut répondre. « Partons, repris-je. As-tu sur la terre un autre protecteur, un autre ami que moi? Mes bras ne sont-ils pas ton unique asile? » Elle résistait. Texte B : Mme SMITH. - La pauvre Bobby. M. SMITH. - Tu veux dire « le » pauvre Bobby. Mme SMITH. - Non, c’est à sa femme que je pense. Elle s’appelait comme lui, Bobby, Bobby Watson. Comme ils avaient le même nom, on ne pouvait pas les distinguer l’un de l’autre quand on les voyait ensemble. Quel texte est un extrait de roman? un extrait de théâtre? Qu’est-ce qui vous a aidé à répondre pour chaque genre? Dans le passage romanesque, surlignez en rouge le récit / en vert la description / en bleu le discours direct. Activité 2 : recopiez le passage suivant en rétablissant la présentation du texte théâtral. Soulignez les didascalies. Kaliayev appartient à un groupe de révolutionnaires russes qui a préparé l’assassinat de la grand-duchesse. Mais le jour dit, celle-ci est accompagnée de ses enfants. Kaliayev raconte l’événement à Dora et aux autres camarades. Kaliayev. Je n’ai pas vu la grand-duchesse. Je n’ai vu qu’eux. Il lève les yeux vers les autres. Silence. Plus bas encore. Alors je ne sais pas ce qu’il s’est passé. Mon bras est devenu faible. Mes jambes tremblaient. Une seconde après, il était trop tard. Silence. Il regarde à terre. Dora, ai-je rêvé, il m’a semblé que les cloches sonnaient à ce moment-là? Dora. Non, Yanek, tu n’as pas rêvé. Elle pose la main sur son bras. Kaliayev relève la tête et les voit tous tournés vers lui. Il se lève. Kaliayev. Ces deux petits visages sérieux et dans ma main, ce poids terrible. C’est sur eux qu’il fallait le lancer. Ainsi. Tout droit. Oh non! Je n’ai pas pu. Activité 3 : transpose le récit suivant en dialogue de théâtre. Quelles difficultés as-tu rencontrées? C’est Antigone qui raconte. Antigone est la fille d’Oedipe, roi aveugle et exilé, descendant de la famille des Labdacides. Créon, l’oncle d’Antigone, a pris le pouvoir quand elle revient à Thèbes. Hémon est le fils de Créon et le fiancé d’Antigone. Hémon fut surpris et un air de bonheur éclaira son visage. « Je suis heureux de te revoir, parvint-il à proférer. Il y a tant d’années que je l”espère.» Je ris et je répondis : « Moi aussi.» Hémon me proposa de revoir le palais mais c’est dans la petite salle où Oedipe avait vécu un an après s’être aveuglé que je voulais me rendre. Cette salle était bien plus étroite que dans mon souvenir. Elle était remplie d’amphores où Créon conservait son vin. Je parvins à me glisser jusqu’à la colonne centrale et je dis à Hémon que c’était ici qu’Oedipe avait vécu un an, au pied de cette colonne et ne parlant plus à personne avant d’être chassé de Thèbes. Hémon tenta de dire qu’Oedipe n’avait pas été chassé, et je l’interrompis : « Si, il a été chassé, chassé par l’esprit des autres.»
Bonjour pouvez-vous m iader pour ce devoir stp 3. Complete the following sentences with a compound word. a- Does ___________________________ want a game of tennis? b- What’s that smell? Can you smell _________________________ burning? c- I asked if ________________________ wanted an ice-cream, but ____________________ did, so I bought one for myself. d- Did __________________________ phone while I was out? e- Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven’t I seen you ___________________ before? f- She left the room without saying ______________________________. g- This doesn’t look like a very nice restaurant. Can we go _________________ else? h- I have __________________________ more to say to you. Goodbye. i- A: Where do you want to go on holiday? B: _____________________________ with a beach. I don’t mind where it is as long as it is sunny and has got a nice beach! j- I felt so embarrassed. I was sure that _____________________ was looking at me. k- A: What do you want for supper? B: ________________________. I don’t mind. l- It was Sunday and the town was deserted. _______________ was in the street and __________________ was open. m- A: Who was at the party? B: __________________. Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths and Sally Bean. n- I have never been __________________________ more beautiful than Scotland. 4. Singular and plural: Choose the correct form (highlight or underline). a- We had to wait because someone had lost its / their ticket. b- One of the policemen had injured his / their arm. c- One of the guests had brought something wrapped in brown paper. She put it / them on the table. d- No one likes / like going to the dentist’s, does he / do they? e- Everyone have / has to leave his / their bags outside.

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