Bonjour à tous ! Voilà je dois envoyer par mail AUJOURD'HUI un dialogue rédigé en anglais à ma prof. Pouvez vous m'aider ? Voici les informations :
personnages :
• Dino Bersconi : mafia boss
• Tony Bersconi : Dino's son
• Alicia Bardini : Tony's grandmother
Synopsis :
Tony's mother died when Tony was still a young kid. He was told she had a car accident. He's now 20 and his grandmother has decided to tell him the truth about his mother's death : Dino had his wife murdered.
Il faut à partir de ces informations, écrire le dialogue entre Tony et sa grand-mère en 150 mots. Je n'ai vraiment pas d'inspiration :'( Please help me !
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Coucou, desole pour le retard. u=you et les ur=your
Alicia: Tony my little boy, Do you remember ur mom?
Tony: Of course, i am not, I was soo young
Alicia: Yeah: you're right, but you really do not remember any things about her ?
Tony: Well, i was only 4 years old, when she left us, grandma, it's' yours to tell me how she was ?!
Alicia: ur mother was so nice with everyone, she was always elegant nd graceful. you look like her, u know ?!
Tony: Really?!
Alicia; yes a lot
Tony: But unfortunately, the best people leave us so fast !
Alicia; unfortunately, you know ? She does not deserve this. She has not any luck with ur father, because, she was so pleasant and king, but he does not .
Tony: Grandma! Why u tell that about my dad ? What did he do to my mom ?
Alicia: Now u're 20 and u're a men, u must know the truth about your mother death. until then, u always believed that ur mother died in a car aident, but the only truth is .......[After a long hesitation]your father, Dino has killed her .
Tony: you kidding me ?
Alicia: No , i am so sorry
Tony: why? why he did that horrible thing ?
Alicia : pls, do not ask me any question, I'm like u, I do not know why he did that. it is to him, to your father , that u should go to ask the question u want !