Bonjour pourriez vous m'aider avec le métier d'artiste peintre ? Merci !!
au juste pour répondre aux questions je peux vous donner quelques une de mes qualités compléter quelques questions 《donc déjà j'aime énormément dessiner je passe environ 4 heures de pratique par jour je consacre énormément mon temps à peindre dans les parcs de la ville j'aime visiter des musées je suis très patiente et motivée pour ce métier et j'ai beaucoup d'imagination et très original et indépendante des autres artistes dans 20 ans je me verrai dans un petit studio en train de peindre et à faire mon business》
A rendre sur une feuille : selon votre choix de métier pour le jeu de rôle, répondez aux questions ci-dessous.
Why am I interested in this position ? What are my qualifications, skills and experience for this position ? Are my strengths aligned with the job requirements ? How can I contribute to the company ? Why I believe I am the best candidate for the job ?
I am interested in this position because I really like to draw I spend about 4 hours of practice a day I devote a lot of my time to painting in city parks I like to visit museums.
What are my qualifications, skills and experience for this position ?
I have a lot of imagination and I'm very original and independent of other artists.
Are my strengths aligned with the job requirements ?
Yes, because I'm very patient and motivated for this job. I have been drawing for a very long time. (je suppose)
How can I contribute to the company ?
I can contribute to this company because I can bring new ideas and contribute to the development of design in this company, as said before I'm very patient and motivated for this job.
Why I believe I am the best candidate for the job ?
I believe I am the best candidate for this job because I love to draw in 20 years I will see myself in a small studio painting and doing my business.
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Réponse :
Why am I interested in this position ?
I am interested in this position because I really like to draw I spend about 4 hours of practice a day I devote a lot of my time to painting in city parks I like to visit museums.
What are my qualifications, skills and experience for this position ?
I have a lot of imagination and I'm very original and independent of other artists.
Are my strengths aligned with the job requirements ?
Yes, because I'm very patient and motivated for this job. I have been drawing for a very long time. (je suppose)
How can I contribute to the company ?
I can contribute to this company because I can bring new ideas and contribute to the development of design in this company, as said before I'm very patient and motivated for this job.
Why I believe I am the best candidate for the job ?
I believe I am the best candidate for this job because I love to draw in 20 years I will see myself in a small studio painting and doing my business.
Explications :
Voilà j'espère que ça t'aura aidé
Bonne fin de journée !
N'oublie pas de liker et de m'évaluer !