Gent...preciso d ajuda....plz Escreva sobre um filme que você viu recentemente. Apresente fatos e opiniões sobre ele. Quem estrelou o filme? Quem o dirigiu? Sobre o que ele era? Digite na caixa de entrada. Escreva de 60 a 100 palavras.
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In last week, I watched the movie Thor 2, was directed by Alan Taylor. The movie which discusses about the viking mythology, portrays a fight between Thor (God of Thunder) and the dark elves. It's a great enemy, which leads Thor to make a truce with your evil brother, Loki. A great script with great actors is what defines the film.
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It's a great enemy, which leads Thor to make a truce with your evil brother, Loki. A great script with great actors is what defines the film.
Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!