Bonsoir, Je suis actuellement en Terminale S, j'ai de très grosses lacunes en anglais, Pour mercredi je dois faire un synthèse sur la notion lieu et forme de pouvoir. Je ne l'ai pas entièrement finit, mais je voulais savoir ce que vous en pensiez, si il y a des choses à rajouter, enlever, ne pas dire, et surtout si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger les fautes? Merci de votre aide!La voici : Today I am going to deal with the notion of locations and forms of power, which refers to power who is the ability or official capacity to exercise control over a place or people lawfully or by force. To illustrate the notion , it will talk about the India where to find gender and social inequalities, but these can change. This leads me to wonder whether if extent the India can become a modern loationss So fisrt I will reflect on gender inequalites, then I will adress the issue of social inequalites, enf finally i will tackle the idea of social and economic changes. To begin with gender inequalities, in India they are more boys than girls. The family prefers to give a birth to a baby boy than a baby girl. To have a boy includes more advantages financial than more that India is poor country. To illustrate this idea it would refer to a text taken from « Another Girl ». Kavita is a wife who has given a birth to a baby girl. But, her husband wants to a « little prince ». So when he discovers that the baby is a girl, he becomes angry, furious. Therefore he wants to get ride of his baby girl. However, he doesn’t want to abandon his baby, and she tries to convince her husband to keep their baby. Kavita husband’s doesn’t want to have a girl because it’s more financially attractive to have boy. It’s necessary to pay a dowry to the gromm’s family. In addition to this social inequalites in India. She include two facets. On the one hand, India have a very big wealth on manpower, she possess a lot of factories. But the manpower is very cheap, so the wokers are exploited, they win very little money. As consequence they are a lot of slum. For instance, we listened oral comprehension, and the India divised into two parts. The first parts is the India tiger with seven, eight and half percent annual average growth in gross domestic product. It’s huge, in France he is only of one and a half. And the middle class and her number continues to grow. Whereas, the other face is the poverty. Close to 500 millions people survive on less than two dollars a day. However, the India know social and economic changes. There is an evolution.(3e partie à finir) To conclude, he stay the effort to be made, it’s neccessary that all citizens can live as developed country, by going to school, can feed and drink. Even if the India know renewal, one must not forget that she knows a difficult period. I m convinced that the Indian can reduce the number of poor people and I consider that the Indian have more liberty,
Bonsoir, Je suis en Terminale S et je viens de faire ma synthèse d'espagnol sur la notion lieu et forme de pouvoir en espagnol. Je voulais savoir ce que vous en pensez, et si quelque'un pourrait me corriger les fautes? Voy a presentar la nocion « lugares y formas de poder ». Es la capacidad de un estado de ejercer el control, de dominar. Voy a preguntarme cual es las diferentes formas de poder. Primero hablaremos del machismo en Chile. Luego estudiarrmos el comportamiento de una persona que puede realizar su sueno gracias a un videojuego. Por fin hemos analizaré de qué manera los espanoles manifestan. En primer lugar, el documento « La inefable Elvira » permite de mostrar y denunciar el machismo. El texto explica que la mujer es responsable del machismo porque educa a sus hijas para servir a los hombres y sus hijos para ser servidos. Sin embargo el hombre tiene un poder sobre la mujer, la mujer responde la expectativa del hombre. Por lo tanto la mujer tiene el poder de cambiar la sociedad pero no lo hace por que si cambian su modo de educacion entonces los hijos no tienen el habito de ser servidos y las hijas de servir. Pero no cambien su modo de educacion probablemente a causa del peso de la tradicion. Luego estudié un articulo de prensa cuyo titulo es « En Second Life », el periodista hace une testimonio de un hombre que se llama Daniel. Hizo un carrera de medecina, es medico. Ha realizado el sueno de su padre pero no era el suyo. Sin embargo, realiza su vida de sueno, el videojuego « Second Life », es un medio para escapar a su vida real. Hace cosas en su vida virtual como coquetear con muchas chicas, no le hace en su vida real. Este videojuego le permite olvidar su vida real. Pero Daniel se volvio adicto en este videojuego y el perdiodista dice que Daniel juega durante su dia de trabajo. Este texto muestra el poder que los videosjuegos para hacernos adictos. Para terminar, para ilustrar la nocion « lugares y formas de poder », con el texto de Soledad Alcaide que se llama « Miles de ciudadanos en las calles ». Vemos el poder de internet especialmente de los resdes social que permite de compartir cosas a traves el mundo, por exemplo ideas politicas. El movimento « los Indignados », los organizadores ha utilizado internet para difundir sus ideas y ha tenido un gran exito, porque los espanoles han sido conquistado. El movimento ejerce un contrapoder sobre los politicos porque no los respresentaban, no los protegian… Para concluir, el poder no es el mismo en funcion del lugar. Exista diferentes formas de poder. Principalmente, el poder de los hombres sobre las mujeres y de internet en los documentos que hemos estudidao. Para terminar pienso que los diferentes formas de poder como el poder de la mujer ha evolucionado porque ahora son mas libre, pueden ejercer profesiones masculinas como albanil. Pero en algunas sociedads las mujeres son sumisa, deben respetar las tradicion de sus pais.   Merci! Bonne soirée!
Bonjour, voici ma synthèse d'anglais dont la notion est "espaces et échanges", est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger les fautes en sachant que j'ai beaucoup de lacunes en anglais... Merci d'avance Today I am going to deal with the notion spaces and exchanges. An exchange is a movement or circulation. All type of exchanges : people like immigration, trade, media, communication… While a space is the geographical area defined by borders. To illustrate this notion I will talk about the different waves in America since the nineteenth century. This leads me to wonder why did people immigrate to the USA ? So fist I will reflect on the history and the causes of immigration, then we will talk about the motivations of people to immigrate to the USA. And finally I will tackle the consequences of immigration to the USA. To begin with the history of immigration, determining the causes. The beginning of immigration began during the sixtennth century after discovery of Christophe Colomb. The european settled on the east coast. Then began the slavery by millions of West Africans were forced to come in USA to work on sugar and cotton plantations. The slavery allowed to make rich countries as France, Spain, Britain. It’s the beginning of immigration. Next, they are different waves of immigration. More exactly third as indicate the document « Waves of immigration to the US » who is an oral comprehension. While the ninetennth century , the Europeans suffer of stravation, beacause of potato failure especially Nothern Europe as Irish. After the death of many people, the Irish begin to immigrate to USA. They will become factory workers and the will be contribute to develop the country. Amercia become « Amercia land », because more and more people immigrate to Amercia because she was seen as « The Promised land ». They are a lot of work, and the people think to have better living conditions with prospects. They believe that they will live Amercian Dream. Most people who immigrate are poor, they want to strat from scratch. But some immigrate por other reasons. To illustrate this idea i would refer to a text taken from « Lations : crossing borderlands ». It’s a grirl Josseline who have 14 years old, and with her brother, they want to go in Los Angeles because their mother is there. So they start a long travel, he is dangerous. But Josseline fall sick during the travel. We can think that Josseline dies before she find her mother. It shows that the people immigrate for other reasons. Than more, it shows that the travel is very long and dangerous. So there is surely a lot of people who died. One last aspect is that of consequences of immigration. The people think it’s the best solution to immigrate to America. They believe to Amercia is « The promised land », that they find a job, to have a better life. But it’s not a reality, it’s just a dream. The document 1 who is a picture show the reality. The migrants make a job that most amercians would be unwilling to do. Futhermore, they are low-paid, the have hardly enough to live. In the picture the migrants seem tired. The song written by Bruce Springsteen « Amercian land » shows the consequences of immigration. This sing tell the story of a man who immigrated to America. He thinks that he will live in the best of the world and all people culde be free and equal. But he will surely happen the opposite. Then he will find in dire straits. However,The migrants will be used as manworker. And they will permit to build the country as we tell the song « « Tey died builiding the railroads, they died in the fields and factories ». The immigration has been beneficial for the Amercia, the country has been able to develop. She permited that Amercia become the fisrt world power. To conclude, the immigration to America has been positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, the migrants have been influenced by dream, the ideas. On the other hand, Amercia become rich economically and culturally. We have a lot of testimony who tells that migrants have endured. We can to connect the immigration to America with the immigration who happens in Europe.
Bonjour, Voici ma synthèse d'anglais dont la notion est myths and heroes, J'ai pas mal de lacunes en anglais donc si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes erreurs. Merci de votre aide! (Bon courage...) Today I am going to deal with the notion of myth and heroes. First of all to give a definition of this notion. A myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage or a mythological or legendary figure. To illustrate this notion I will talk about the famous people who marked the story of 20th and 21st century. I wonder how do star become legends. So first, i will study the example of heroes that exercise particular influence on people and on history. Then I will try to explain how they have transformed their life and the consequence of their celebrities. By being famous the celebrities are admired by fans wherever they go. They can influence people. Some of them diffuse their ideas hoping that their fans and the other people will fllow their choice. This is what happend with presidential election in america but also in France. For exemple Chuck Norris who is ans actor known worldwide annouced that it supports Donald Trump. On the contrary, Morgan Freeman who is also very famous of the general public has lent his voice for a presidential compaign spot oh Hilary Clinton. In the oral comprehension « qhe becomes multi-million dollar brand ». We learn Marlyn M. permite to sold many products thanks to compagnies who used her image. She works with compagnies as Coca Cola, Mercedes… Her image permite to sold many products even after is death. The celebrities influence the people, for example with Michael Jackson which we studied in class Become famous includes advantages but also drawbacks. Some celebrities have transformed their life since they are famous. Many of them with the handle pressure of fame were become dependent on alcohol and drug. It’s the case frome one part of the 27 club studied in class. For exemple Jimi Hendrix died in 1970 because of asphyxiation from vomiting after drug and alcohol use as Amy Winehouse in 2011. They didn’t succed to handle the pressures of fame, so they use alcohol or drug for forget the pressures of fame. But they are other solution as consult psychologist. By becoming famous Michael J. changed his life. In the article of « The Guardian », Michael J. started a normal life in a positive way when he was the Jackson Five’s lead vocalist. But with fame he started being weird. He adoptes a chimpanzee, trying to buy the bones of the elephant man. He had no limit. Until have problems as allegations of chils abuse or financial crises. So when he died as a broken man, with a lot of things that overshadowed his image. To conclude becoming famous can cange a person, so he must control his attendance and to set limits. I think that the concept of myths ans heroes has an important place in the society. He permite to glorify some people who realize a feat as save a life.
Bonjour, Voici ma synthèse d'anglais dont la notion est myths and heroes, J'ai pas mal de lacunes en anglais donc si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes erreurs. Merci de votre aide! (Bon courage...) Today I am going to deal with the notion of myth and heroes. First of all to give a definition of this notion. A myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage or a mythological or legendary figure. To illustrate this notion I will talk about the famous people who marked the story of 20th and 21st century. I wonder how do star become legends. So first, i will study the example of heroes that exercise particular influence on people and on history. Then I will try to explain how they have transformed their life and the consequence of their celebrities. By being famous the celebrities are admired by fans wherever they go. They can influence people. Some of them diffuse their ideas hoping that their fans and the other people will fllow their choice. This is what happend with presidential election in america but also in France. For exemple Chuck Norris who is ans actor known worldwide annouced that it supports Donald Trump. On the contrary, Morgan Freeman who is also very famous of the general public has lent his voice for a presidential compaign spot oh Hilary Clinton. In the oral comprehension « qhe becomes multi-million dollar brand ». We learn Marlyn M. permite to sold many products thanks to compagnies who used her image. She works with compagnies as Coca Cola, Mercedes… Her image permite to sold many products even after is death. The celebrities influence the people, for example with Michael Jackson which we studied in class Become famous includes advantages but also drawbacks. Some celebrities have transformed their life since they are famous. Many of them with the handle pressure of fame were become dependent on alcohol and drug. It’s the case frome one part of the 27 club studied in class. For exemple Jimi Hendrix died in 1970 because of asphyxiation from vomiting after drug and alcohol use as Amy Winehouse in 2011. They didn’t succed to handle the pressures of fame, so they use alcohol or drug for forget the pressures of fame. But they are other solution as consult psychologist. By becoming famous Michael J. changed his life. In the article of « The Guardian », Michael J. started a normal life in a positive way when he was the Jackson Five’s lead vocalist. But with fame he started being weird. He adoptes a chimpanzee, trying to buy the bones of the elephant man. He had no limit. Until have problems as allegations of chils abuse or financial crises. So when he died as a broken man, with a lot of things that overshadowed his image. To conclude becoming famous can cange a person, so he must control his attendance and to set limits. I think that the concept of myths ans heroes has an important place in the society. He permite to glorify some people who realize a feat as save a life.

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