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May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp "El primer documento es una grabación acompañada de un foto. Intervienen tres personas : un locutor, Ana Estefania Garcia y Roberto Robles. Ana es la secretaria de Planeación y Evaluación de Pachuca y Roberto es un integrante de Germen Crew, un grupo de artistas mexicanos. Esta grabación trata de un proyecto artístico iniciado en 2012 que se realizo en el barrio de Palmitas, en la ciudad en Pachuca en México. Constitio en pintar de fachadas de las casas en de colores llamativos. El barrio tenía mala reputación por ser escenario de batallas a muerte entre pandillas. Tiene la finalidad de reducir la criminalidad en la zona y reconstruir el tejido social a través del arte. Pero ahora la inseguridad ha disminuido considerablemente y está en el centro de atención gracias a los colores cálidos y llamativos como lavanda, verde limón y naranja incandescente con los que están pintados. Son evidentemente más vivos que las tradicionales fachadas de cemento y ladrillo gris en las que sobreviven los sectores más necesitados del país. Considerado el mural "más grande del mundo" y fue financiado por el gobierno, que contrató a 20 artistas. El segundo documento que he elegido es compasado de dos textos que hablan de la ciudad de Bilbao en España. El primero texto es de Félix Madroño que se titula “La espectacular transformación de Bilbao” y el segundo texto es de Marcos Muro que se titula “El museo Guggenheim, una referencia mundial”. Este primero texto trata de la transformación de la ciudad Bilbao. Antes, Bilbao era una ciudad antigua y ahora es moderna. Podemos encontrar modernas construcción diseñadas por los arquitectos más reputados como el museo Guggenheim que es una referencia mundial. Es un museo de arte contemporáneo. Eso muestra que en Bilbao, el arte está muy presente con los museos, el arte público, la arquitectura, los puentes escultóricos y programas relacionados con el arte. Por fin, antes, en Bilbao, la población sufría de la crisis española. Sin embargo, gracias al arte Bilbao conoció mejoría porque su económica está diversificada, tuvo creaciones de empleos. Además, la compresión orales que se titula “Santander, ciudad inteligente” evoca Santander que se sitúa en el norte de España que asimiló a una ciudad inteligente. En efecto, una aplicación en el móvil facilita la vida de la gente porque dice cuando los contenedores están llenos, indique cuando llega el próximo autobús. Hay 20000 censores instalados en la calle, en los edificios, buses para que la aplicación funciona. Todo esto fue posible gracias al proyecto ciudad inteligente de la universidad de la Cantabria desde 2007. Hoy en día, otras ciudades en europea están interesadas porque este proyecto puede ser una solución para los problemas urbanos. Para terminar, el ultimo documento es un cartel de las « ciudades inteligentes en Latinoamérica ». Presenta las ocho ciudades más inteligentes en Latinoamérica. Podemos ver que la primera es Santiago de Chile, la capital de Chile, la segunda es México, la capital de México, la tercera es Bogotá, la capital de Colombia y en cuarto lugar viene Buenos Aires, la capital de Argentina. En efecto, para ser una ciudad inteligente, es necesario tener gente, gobierno, economía, vida y movilidad inteligentes. Cada ciudad ha desarrollado diferentes cosas para ser inteligente. En Santiago de Chile, los precios del peaje están automatizados según el tráfico, es une tecnología innovadora ya que permite descongestionar el centro de la ciudad en horas punta y esta facilita la movilidad. En México, algunos edificios usan tecnología que absorbe la contaminación. En Buenos Aires, el Ministerio de Modernización implementó una extensa red pública de WI-FI para favorecer la conexión de los ciudadanos. Incluso si Montevideo es la octava ciudad más inteligente de Latinoamérica, Montevideo es un centro cultural y tecnológico y cuenta con programas universitarios. Es una inversión positiva de la ciudad puesto que favorece la educación y contribuye al desarrollo inteligente de los ciudadanos. Montevideo es la ciudad de mejor calidad de vida de Latinoamérica. En la mayoría de las ciudades, hay acciones ecológicas que desarrollan una movilidad inteligente, hay más transportes públicos que reducen el tráfico de los coches que contaminan. Se observan cada vez más sistemas de metro, buses y se desarrollan los sistemas de ruta para las bicicletas."
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir pouvez vous me dire si mon texte contient des fautes svp merci "The autobiography is a literary style, used by the author in order to write about his personal life and story. The writer, the narrator and the protagonist are the same person. There is also the utilisation of the past tenses. Indeed, the events related happened years ago, they precede the moment when the author write his book. So, we can say that there are two narrations: the me before, and the me now. We may wonder what the author's aim by writing his autobiography is. Therefore, we have focused on some autobiography's books and authors and to answer this question, I will present two extracts studied in class and a personal document related to the topic. The first document I have chosen is an extract from An Angel at My Table written by Janet Frame in 1982. It compiles the three volumes of her autobiographies that is to say To the Island, An Angel at My Table and The Envoy from Mirror City. Jane Frame's from New Zealand and was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia in her early twenties so she spent several years in mental hospitals. She also suffered a lot of having an epileptic brother and at the death of her sister. Her book is about her teenage years In that extract, we explore her love for literature, especially for poetry, dance, but also her fears such as falling into drugs or depression. The extract reveals that she was very lonely in college and retreated more and more into her own world of literature and her diary. She was also disturbed in the sense that she was asking herself existential questions The second document I've chosen is an extract from Moab is My Washpot written by Stephen Fry in 1997. The extract shows a significant event that happened to the author which revealed something about himself and his personnality. Indeed, that was the first time he became aware of being a good liar. It is written as Fry was into his teacher's shoes and his. He discusses how the same event can be interpreted in different ways by its different protagonists. This refers to the selective character of memory as everyone seems to remember certain things in a more vivid way than other. His autobiography is full of confessions, as if he confesses us his sins or thoughts. Maybe the action of writing is a way of making peace with his old him and letting the past where it really belongs. In his book, he makes comments using the present tense by commenting and looking critically to the child he was, his actions, emotions or reactions. As my personal document I've chosen the black and white french animated film Persepolis directed by Marjane Satrapi in 2007. The film has received a lot of awards despite the fact that it has been controversial in several countries. The movie takes place in Teheran in 1978 during the rebellion for the fall of the Shah of Iran. Marjane, a eight year old girl, thinks of the future and dreams of being a « prophet of the galaxy » as she calls herself. Pampered by modern and open-minded parents, she follows with exaltation the events that will lead to the revolution and bring about the fall of the Shah regime. With the establishment of the "Islamic Republic" begins the time of the "commissioners of the revolution" who control outfits and behaviors. Marjane, who must wear the veil, dreams of being a revolutionary. This project was born of the lack of constant interest of Europeans in her culture. Satrapi wanted, through her autobiographic film, to shed light on certain things particularly with regard to the status of women, the veil, the national language and shades of gray rather than oposition between black and white, which characterized both the periods of the Chah regime and those under Khomeini's rule. "
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp? One day, my grandmother related me a story about her youth that changed her life and made her become the wonderful, honourable and brave woman she is: when she was a child, she fell in love with a boy at school, who is actually my grandfather. They got married a few years later, when they were 19. The day of their wedding, my grandmother was already pregnant of 3 months. She told me that they were perfectly happy together, but one day my grandfather had to go to his military service so he left. Days went by and Christmas was there. He was still to his military service but he wanted to make a surprise to my grandmother : to come back to spend some special time with her. But unfortunately, he had a car accident on his way back home and died. My grandmother was utterly devastated, left alone with her only child (who was not even born when her husband died) and became a widow only at the age of 19. She suffered a lot, she has been distraugh and grief-stricken for years, and even now, 50 years after those events, when she related me that story, I felt sadness and nostalgia in her voice, and I really felt her sadness inside of me. Her story made me realize that you have to spend the more time you can with the ones you love, because something terrible can happen anytime, especially when you don't see that coming. To my mind, her story was like a significant event in my life : it made me think and opened my eyes regarding to the world and life. It also changed my vision on things, and the way I am towards others.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp? et est ce compréhensible? One day, my grandmother related me a story about her youth : when she was a child, she fell in love with a boy at school, who is actually my grandfather. They got married a few years later, when they were 19. The day of their wedding, my grandma was already pregnant of 3 months (of my father). She told me that they were perfectly happy together, but one day my grandfather had to go to his military service so he left. Days passed and here comes Christmas. He was still to his military service but wanted to make a surprise to my grandmother : to come back to spend some special time with her. But unfortunately, he had a car accident on his way home and died. My grandmother was totally devastated, left alone with her only child (who was not even born when her husband died). She suffered a lot, she has been distraugh and grief-stricken for years, and even now, 50 years after those events, when she told me that story, I felt sadness and nostalgia in her voice, and I really felt her sadness inside of me. Her story made me realize that you have to spend the more time you can with the ones you love, because something terrible can happen anytime, especially when nobody sees that coming.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp? et est ce compréhensible? One day, my grandmother related me a story about her youth : when she was a child, she fell in love with a boy at school, who is actually my grandfather. They got married a few years later, when they were 19. The day of their wedding, my grandma was already pregnant of 3 months (of my father). She told me that they were perfectly happy together, but one day my grandfather had to go to his military service so he went. Days passed and here comes Christmas. He was still to his military service but wanted to make a surprise to my grandmother : to come back to spend some special time with her. But unfortunately, he had a car accident on his way home and died. My grandmother was totally devastated, left alone with her only child (who was not even born when her husband died). She suffered a lot, she has been distraugh and grief-stricken for years, and even now, 50 years after those events, when she told me that story, I felt sadness and nostalgia in her voice, and I really felt her sadness inside of me. Her story made me realize that you have to spend the more time you can with the ones you love, because something terrible can happen anytime, especially when nobody sees that coming.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp ? Merci "I am going to talk about the novel « L'écume des jours » written by Boris Vian in 1947. The english title is « Froth on the daydream ». So, first, Boris Vian was a french writer who was born in 1920 and died in 1959. He had many professions : he was a writer, a singer, a musician and a poet. « L'écume des jours » had no success during the life of the author, but it made of Boris Vian a true myth after his death. There are two cinematographic adaptations of this book : the first one was directed by Charles Belmont in 1968, and the other one, the most recent, by Michel Gondry in 2013. In this novel we follow Colin, a handsome and nice man, but aimless because his life does not suit him. One day, Colin meets Chloe. Their love makes them happy. They got married and made their honeymoon. But one day, Chloe starts to feel sick. The doctor diagnosed the disease : a waterlily grows in her lung. Flowers are needed to cure her. Colin ruins himself to save Chloe, but vainly. In addition to Colin and Chloé, the other characters are Nicolas, who is the cook of Colin but also his friend. There is Isis, a woman in love with Nicolas. Chick is also a friend of Colin, who comes out with Alise, Nicolas's niece. In his novel, Vian criticizes the society in general. Firstly, he criticizes the Church : we find this theme through two ceremonies, the marriage of Colin and Chloe and the burial of Chloe. In the first ceremony, everything goes for the better. It is an astounding marriage: the church is large, everything is immense and well organized. The men of the Church offer a great ceremony, they are numerous, they make the wedding last, because they know that they are going to be paid. On the contrary, at the funeral of Chloe, when they know that Colin is ruined, they botch the ceremony, swing Chloe's body while they're singing merrily, and leave immediately. The fact that Colin is ruined means that he has no right to any mark of respect from the religious men. All this proves that Vian is not a friend of the Church, and even if he turns that into humor in his novel, the meaning is much deeper and more relevant than we might think at first reading. But above all, Vian makes fun of the phenomenon "Jean Sol Partre". Chick wants to own the whole collection of books in all editions... He gets defrauded by merchants who sell him objects that may have belonged to Partre. He does his best to attend the conference of Partre. But he does not even listen. Chick wants to give himself an image of somebody nice, somebody "fashionable", interested in Partre. Vian indirectly denonced the phenomenon of Jean Paul Sartre at his time, people who are interested by Sartre by pure snobbery. Vian hates this superficiality which had people in the forties and even if he turns that into humor in his novel, the meaning is much deeper and more relevant than one might think at first reading. To conclude, I chose this book because it's a pretty good representation of the society at the time of the writer. Concerning my opinion on this novel, the love that unites the two heroes is certainly beautiful but the writing style of Vian didn't please me."
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, quelle est la différence entre un adjectif qualificatif et un complément du nom? merci
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp? Merci "In his novel, Vian criticizes the society in general. Firstly, he criticizes the church : we find this theme through two ceremonies, the marriage of Colin and Chloe and the burial of Chloe. In the first ceremony, everything goes for the better. It is an astounding marriage: the church is large, everything is immense and well organized. The men of the Church, at the marriage of Colin and Chloe, offer a great ceremony, they are numerous, make the marriage last, because they know that they are going to be paid. On the contrary, at the funeral of Chloe,when they know that Colin is ruined, they botch the ceremony, swing Chloe's body while they're singing merrily, and leave immediately. All this proves that Vian is not a friend of the Church, and even if he turns that into humor in his novel, the meaning is much deeper and more relevant than one might think at first reading."
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous me dire si j'ai fait des fautes svp ? Merci "So, I am going to talk about the novel « L'écume des jours » written by Boris Vian in 1947. The english title is « Froth on the daydream ». First, Boris Vian was a french writerhad many professions : he was a writer, a singer, a musician, an artistic director and a poet. « L'écume des jours » had no success during the life of the author, but it will make of Boris Vian a true myth after his death. There are two cinematographic adaptations of this book : the first one was directed by Charles Belmont in 1968, and the other one, the most recent, by Michel Gondry in 2013. In this novel we follow Colin, a handsome and nice man, but aimless because his life does not suit him. One day, Colin meets Chloe. Their love makes them happy. They got married and make their honeymoon. But one day, Chloe feels very bad. The doctor diagnosed the disease : a nenuphar grows in her lung. Flowers are needed to cure her. Colin ruins himself to save Chloe, but vainly. In addition to Colin and Chloé, the other characters are Nicolas who is the cook of Colin but also his friend. Isis is a woman, in love with Nicolas but he does not notice it. Chick is also a friend of Colin, who comes out with Alise, Nicolas' niece. In his novel, Vian criticizes the society in general. Firstly, he criticizes the church : we find this theme through two ceremonies, the marriage of Colin and Chloe and the burial of Chloe. In the first ceremony, everything goes for the better. It is an astounding marriage: the church is large, everything is immense and well organized. The men of the Church, at the marriage of Colin and Chloe, offer a great ceremony, they are numerous, make the marriage last, because they know that they are going to be paid. On the contrary, at the funeral of Chloe,when they know that Colin is ruined, they botch the ceremony, swing Chloe's body while they're singing merrily, and leave immediately. This means that he has no right to any mark of respect from the religious. All this proves that Vian is not a friend of the Church, and even if he turns that into humor in his novel, the meaning is much deeper and more relevant than one might think at first reading." (je n'ai pas trop relu donc des fois il doit y avoir des répétitions)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, pouvez vous me donner des atouts de l'amérique latine svp? (en espagnol ou en français) merci
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjouuur pouvez vous me donner deux ou trois phrases s'il vous plait je n'y arrive pas. Valoro las oportunidades del mercado latinoamericano : Eres un empresario. Intentas convencer a tu banquero para que te ayude a implantar tu empresa en América Latina. Cita todas las bazas (atouts) del continente. Merci !!
May 2019 | 2 Respostas
Bonsoir à tous!! quelles sont les figures de style de cette phrase : "le plus clair de mon temps je le passe à l'obscurcir car la lumière me gêne" ?? merci !!!
April 2019 | 2 Respostas
La première semaine, un magasin de sport a vendu les trois septième de ses chaussures de course.La seconde semaine, il a vendu les trois cinquième de ce qui lui restait.1) Quelle proportion de chaussures reste-t-il à la fin de la première semaine ?2) Quelle est la proportion de chaussures vendues la seconde semaine ?3) En déduire la proportion de chaussures vendues en deux semaines.Merci de m'aider.
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
La première semaine, un magasin de sport a vendu les trois septième de ses chaussures de course.La seconde semaine, il a vendu les trois cinquième de ce qui lui restait.1) Quelle proportion de chaussures reste-t-il à la fin de la première semaine ?2) Quelle est la proportion de chaussures vendues la seconde semaine ?3) En déduire la proportion de chaussures vendues en deux semaines.Merci de m'aider.
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Le cône de révolution de hauteur SO égale à 4,8 cm. Le rayon OA du cercle de base est 3,6 cm. 1.Calculer la mesure exacte du volume de ce cône puis son arrondi à 0,1 près.2.Calculer SA.3.Calculer l'angle OAS.Soit B le point diamètralement opposé au point A4.Démontrer que le triangle ABM est rectangle.5.On donne AM = 3,5 cm. Déterminer BM.
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
SABCD est une pyramide à base rectangulaire de centre H et de hauteur [SH]. on donne : AB = 6,4 cm BC = 4,8 cm SH = 7,5 cm. 1.Calculer le volume de cette pyramide. (le volume est de 49,152) 2.Calculer AC. En déduire HC. (AC = 8 cm et HC = 4 cm). 3.Calculer la longueur de l'arête latérale [SC]. Pouvez vous m'aider pour la question 3 svp ?
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