Bonsoir pouvez vous me dire si mon texte contient des fautes svp merci

"The autobiography is a literary style, used by the author in order to write about his personal life and story. The writer, the narrator and the protagonist are the same person. There is also the utilisation of the past tenses. Indeed, the events related happened years ago, they precede the moment when the author write his book. So, we can say that there are two narrations: the me before, and the me now.
We may wonder what the author's aim by writing his autobiography is.
Therefore, we have focused on some autobiography's books and authors and to answer this question, I will present two extracts studied in class and a personal document related to the topic.

The first document I have chosen is an extract from An Angel at My Table written by Janet Frame in 1982. It compiles the three volumes of her autobiographies that is to say To the Island, An Angel at My Table and The Envoy from Mirror City. Jane Frame's from New Zealand and was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia in her early twenties so she spent several years in mental hospitals. She also suffered a lot of having an epileptic brother and at the death of her sister. Her book is about her teenage years
In that extract, we explore her love for literature, especially for poetry, dance, but also her fears such as falling into drugs or depression.
The extract reveals that she was very lonely in college and retreated more and more into her own world of literature and her diary. She was also disturbed in the sense that she was asking herself existential questions

The second document I've chosen is an extract from Moab is My Washpot written by Stephen Fry in 1997. The extract shows a significant event that happened to the author which revealed something about himself and his personnality. Indeed, that was the first time he became aware of being a good liar. It is written as Fry was into his teacher's shoes and his. He discusses how the same event can be interpreted in different ways by its different protagonists. This refers to the selective character of memory as everyone seems to remember certain things in a more vivid way than other.
His autobiography is full of confessions, as if he confesses us his sins or thoughts. Maybe the action of writing is a way of making peace with his old him and letting the past where it really belongs. In his book, he makes comments using the present tense by commenting and looking critically to the child he was, his actions, emotions or reactions.

As my personal document I've chosen the black and white french animated film Persepolis directed by Marjane Satrapi in 2007. The film has received a lot of awards despite the fact that it has been controversial in several countries.
The movie takes place in Teheran in 1978 during the rebellion for the fall of the Shah of Iran. Marjane, a eight year old girl, thinks of the future and dreams of being a « prophet of the galaxy » as she calls herself. Pampered by modern and open-minded parents, she follows with exaltation the events that will lead to the revolution and bring about the fall of the Shah regime. With the establishment of the "Islamic Republic" begins the time of the "commissioners of the revolution" who control outfits and behaviors. Marjane, who must wear the veil, dreams of being a revolutionary.
This project was born of the lack of constant interest of Europeans in her culture. Satrapi wanted, through her autobiographic film, to shed light on certain things particularly with regard to the status of women, the veil, the national language and shades of gray rather than oposition between black and white, which characterized both the periods of the Chah regime and those under Khomeini's rule. "
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Bonsoir pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp? One day, my grandmother related me a story about her youth that changed her life and made her become the wonderful, honourable and brave woman she is: when she was a child, she fell in love with a boy at school, who is actually my grandfather. They got married a few years later, when they were 19. The day of their wedding, my grandmother was already pregnant of 3 months. She told me that they were perfectly happy together, but one day my grandfather had to go to his military service so he left. Days went by and Christmas was there. He was still to his military service but he wanted to make a surprise to my grandmother : to come back to spend some special time with her. But unfortunately, he had a car accident on his way back home and died. My grandmother was utterly devastated, left alone with her only child (who was not even born when her husband died) and became a widow only at the age of 19. She suffered a lot, she has been distraugh and grief-stricken for years, and even now, 50 years after those events, when she related me that story, I felt sadness and nostalgia in her voice, and I really felt her sadness inside of me. Her story made me realize that you have to spend the more time you can with the ones you love, because something terrible can happen anytime, especially when you don't see that coming. To my mind, her story was like a significant event in my life : it made me think and opened my eyes regarding to the world and life. It also changed my vision on things, and the way I am towards others.

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