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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, Je n'arrive pas à faire l'exercice 1, quelqu'un pour m'aider svp ? Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à faire mon devoir maison de maths, je suis bloquée sur l'exercice 3, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider svp ? Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à faire mon devoir maison de maths, je suis bloquée sur l'exercice 3, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider svp ? Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, J'avais un devoir d'anglais à faire où il fallait répondre en anglais à une fille en lui expliquant comment s'est passé nos deux premières semaines à l'université, j'ai écris la lettre mais quelqu'un pourrait-il regarder si il y a des fautes et éventuellement me corriger ? Merci ;) Lettre: "Hi Lisa, I'm doing well, and you? I moved to Chico went well. For me too, leaving my parents was difficult, but I was happy with the idea of "live" elsewhere. I too share my room with a boy but he has also just arrived. I hope to meet him, and I hope we will get along. It looks nice but a little shy. The university is very large and there are many people and groups of friends. There in full of different activities such as arts groups, science, and technology ... There is even a large gym with several devices! It's great for me because I love the sport, and I go every night after school. There I met a girl who came to talk to me, and we made a little knowledge, she’s really beautiful and nice. The school also has a large garden, where many groups of friends meet to eat, and a large lake where it offers kayak activities, I think trying next week. In terms of my class, okay, it is fine. The period are hard also because it is faster and there is more homework. I also think I need to get used to, but overall the two weeks have passed since my arrival went smoothly. I hope someday you can see me! I miss you a bit Take care. XOXO, Jason"
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, J'avais un devoir d'anglais à faire où il fallait répondre en anglais à une fille en lui expliquant comment s'est passé nos deux premières semaines à l'université, j'ai écris la lettre mais quelqu'un pourrait-il regarder si il y a des fautes et éventuellement me corriger ? Merci ;) Lettre: "Hi Lisa, I'm doing well, and you? I moved to Chico went well. For me too, leaving my parents was difficult, but I was happy with the idea of "live" elsewhere. I too share my room with a boy but he has also just arrived. I hope to meet him, and I hope we will get along. It looks nice but a little shy. The university is very large and there are many people and groups of friends. There in full of different activities such as arts groups, science, and technology ... There is even a large gym with several devices! It's great for me because I love the sport, and I go every night after school. There I met a girl who came to talk to me, and we made a little knowledge, she’s really beautiful and nice. The school also has a large garden, where many groups of friends meet to eat, and a large lake where it offers kayak activities, I think trying next week. In terms of my class, okay, it is fine. The period are hard also because it is faster and there is more homework. I also think I need to get used to, but overall the two weeks have passed since my arrival went smoothly. I hope someday you can see me! I miss you a bit Take care. XOXO, Jason"
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonsoir, j'ai un DM de maths à faire mais je n'y arrive pas, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider svp ? Merci beaucoup ! Sujet: Racine carrée d'une fonction polynôme Partie A: On considère la fonction f définie sur R par: f(x)= -1/2 x au carré + 1/2 x + 3 Questions: 1. Résoudre dans R l'inéquation f(x) supérieur ou égale à 0. 2. Etudier le sens de variation de f. 3. Dresser le tableau de variations de f. Partie B: On considère maintenant la fonction g définie par: g(x)= racine carrée de f(x)= -1/2 de x au carré + 1/2 de x + 3 Questions: 1. Justifier que le domaine de définition de g est l'intervalle [-2;3]. On à tracé la courbe représentative de g dans un repère. 2. Démontrer que le maximum de g est atteint en pour x=1/2. 3. Calculer la valeur de ce maximum.
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