Bonsoir, est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon paragraphe svp? Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront ! Thanks to the activists, lot of progress has made. In the first place there have been the “busing programs”. The “busing programs” aimed at brewing the white children and the black children, who attended different schools in spite of the laws of desegregation. Indeed, considering the racial homogeneity of districts, the routes of buses only based on the criteria of geographical closeness led to maintain black schools and white school. There has been also the Affirmative action, which is a set of laws, policies and administrative practices intended to end and correct the effects of a specific form of discrimination of exclude groups such as racial minorities or women. And, finally, there has been the election of Barack Obama that is the first black president of the US. But, in spite of this clear improvement, the end of the racism and the persecution of the foreigners in US are far from being finished. As shown it, the speeches against the murders of people with coloured skin unarmed by policemen white as for instance that of Jesse Williams in 2016. There is also the creation of movement like the Black Lives Matter in Twitter which a movement against police violence towards black people and also reveals the inequalities between black and white people and committed songs like the song “Powerful” which comes from the famous series Empire. So, thanks to activists like MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcom X etc, America has can evolve. But, despite the progresses realized, the fighting is far to be finished, as shows it by the way the recent election of Donald Trump who is a man totally against the peace.
Bonjour, pouvez-vous me corriger mon devoir d'anglais s'il vous plait? Alors je vous dit tout de même la consigne. En fait, la mairie de ma ville à décidé d'organiser un sorte de concours pour choisir sa ville-jumelle (fin je sais pas si on le dit comme ça) et je dois présenté une ville anglophone pour qu'elle soit choisit (j'ai choisi de présenter Sydney). Lors de mon oral, il faudra dire tous ces critères : le nom de la ville et du pays dans laquelle elle se situe qu'est ce qu'on peut trouver dans la ville qu'est ce que les personnes peuvent faire dedans expliquer pourquoi j'ai choisi cette ville Alors, voici mon texte : Hello, my name is ......... The city that I present you is Sydney. Sydney is a city of the southeast of Australia, situated in the State of New South Wales, on the banks of the Tasman Sea. This city is a international tourist city thanks to her beaches and her monuments like the famous Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Tower. People can go museums like the National maritime museum, go shopping to the Queen Victoria Building which is the most beautiful shopping centre of the world and also go visit aquariums whose the most famous is Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. Finally, Sydney is one of the most beautiful cities of Australia and the landscapes are so much wonderful ! And it's principally for that, I chosen this city. Mais je trouve mon texte tout de même un peu court, car mon oral doit quand même duré 3min... Donc si vous avez d'autres idées n'hésitez pas ! Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront !

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