Bonjour, a tous pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait pouvez vous corriger mon texte en Espagnol j'ai un travaille très important à faire je dois écrire un texte qui raconterais ce que je souhaiterais faire durant un voyage en Amérique Latine mon professeur nous à imposer qu'un pays le Mexique les consignes sont: -utiliser le futur -utiliser 2 superlatifs -utiliser des connecteur varier (Luedo,despues...) -utiliser un vocabulaire varier(ne pas utiliser une seul fois: gustar et ir -SUPER IMPORTANT utiliser les prépositions adéquates( a por para del en ...) Voilà mon texte: !Cuanto me alegra! !Me gané la loteria Por fin voy a poder realizar el sueno de mi vida! Viajar en America latina por eso iré a Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Ecuador. Comenzaré mi viajé por Mexicoy haré senderismo porque me gusta hacer deporte hasta el Mach Pichu para aprovechar del magnifico paisaje. Luego, mi dirigiré a Coyoaca, siempre en Merico, para asistiré a la exposision de las obras de Frida Khalo, porque me encanta la pintura! Despues volveré hasta la isla de Capurgana en Colombia y me pasearé en los maravillos bosques de Damien, alli los vehiculos motorizades no se permiten! !Mejor asi! Odio la polucion. en colombia visitaré a Bogata el museo de Maloka personamente preferio la ciensas esstan mas divertidos Mi destino proximo sera Ecuador y me quedarsé un momento a Banos en el compamento del centro ecoturistico de Banos agua Santa! A continuacion llegaré a Latacunga para ver el volcan laguna de Quilotoa y andaré solamente! no haré BTT porque detesta los sensacion fuerte! A posteriori partiré por la manana a Chile para ver el desierto Atacama es conocido como el desierto mas arido del mundo. Luego visitaré el museo interactivo de Maridor. Por fin terminaré mi viajé a Argentina y como ver peliculas es mi activida favorita entraré en el museo del cine a Bueno Aires. Despues disfrutaré al maximo del salto "La Garganta del diablo" porque es el salto el mas alto de todos los saltos de Cataratas del Iguazu. La Garganta del Diablo mide 700 metros de largo y 82 metros de anchura. Debe ser muy inpresionant !En conclusion pienso que serà el mejor viajé de toda mi vida!
Bonjour, pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît me corriger mon texte d'anglais. Le travail consistait à raconter la journée d'un réfugier. Pouvez-vous me dire aussi si les temps utilisés conviennent ou non? Merci d'avance! I was so terrified, that night my father came into my room before going to sleep and tell me that tomorrow morning at dawn we were going to run away and leave the country because Honduras became a dangerous territory for us. He also said me that we were going in America with my uncle. Sincerely, I was happy to flee, I was thinking that anyway in America it couldn't get any worse. Even if I'm going to miss my friends and my home. So then, the following morning I helped my mother to store cloths in luggages, I took my diary, my teddy bear and we took the road. To reassure me my dad told me a story about a little girl who, like me, seek refuge in America, he said me that once there she's made plenty of amazing friends and that now she lived in serenity with all of his relatives. And he promised me that once in America he's going to buy me a bike. We really walked a lot and we didn't stop to save time because we had to get to the border before sunset or else it would be dangerous. During the emigration my parents were trying to act as if everything be fine, so to comfort them, I've been good. Although the truth was that I was scared to death. Despite my youth, I understood why we are fleeing. We were going in America because in Honduras the poverty prevails, and also because there are lots of people who do money-laundering, illicit trafficking in drugs and human organes. I know that because I heard mom last night. After a few hours we finally reach the border and found asylum in a little shelter in wich we spend the night in security to getting back on the road the next day.
Bonjours pouvez vous s'il vous plaît me corriger mon texte en anglais, c'est plutôt important. Merci d'avance^.^ In the darkness far out to sea, I couldn't see my neighbour but I could hear they hearts beating. On th boat the humidity level was high and we was soaked to the bone! We were all frozen and it was very unpleasant. But I toughed it out. I was thinking about my children and about my wife that I left at home. I was wondering if I succeed this cross, I could earn my living, provide my family and maybe fulfil my dream by opening my own bakery and with the bakery, perhaps, I could make a fortune and have a peaceful life me and everyone in my family. It was probably 11 o'clock at night, but I'm not certain. I was losing track of time and place. I was very tired, so I fell asleep. When suddenly, I heard a smuggler who was screaming at a woman, because she was aboard without her consent and she hadn't paid the cross. The poor woman promised him to pay when we will arrived in America but the man wouldn't listen and he had ordered at two man to keep him locked up in a very small room of the boat. A few hours later, they told us that we were going to need a resident permit, a Green Card and a work permit in order to live normally in America because otherwise we couldn't work except if we find a moonlighting but generally with these jobs the hardworking are underpaid. They also told us that we were going to be welcomed in a shelter with others emigrants. After this speech an older man sat next to me ans asked me my job, so I told her that I had an unrewarding job because I was a garbage men despite years of study. I also asked them questions, I asked them why does he emigrate. And he told me hopeful that he would like to join his son who's a doctor. He also told me that he wants to do him a surprise. Strangely, I was surprised by the sincerity of his eyes, and I promised myself to help him and the poor woman during the emigration. Then, we could finally see th American Coast and we had to swim until her. After everyone left the boat, I went back for my book bag and something stopped me... We forgot the woman who was crying on the room. I've picked the look. Next when she was free, she thanked me, and we get back with the others. Je devais raconter la journey d'un réfugier avec une liste de mots imposée: moonlighting unrewarding job free peaceful poor hopeful underpaid hardworking emigrate make a fortune earn a living fulfil a dream provide for one's family cross shelter work permit Green Card residence permit smuggler emigration emigrant
Bonjours pouvez vous s'il vous plaît me corriger mon texte en anglais, c'est plutôt important. Merci d'avance^.^ In the darkness far out to sea, I couldn't see my neighbour but I could hear they hearts beating. On th boat the humidity level was high and we was soaked to the bone! We were all frozen and it was very unpleasant. But I toughed it out. I was thinking about my children and about my wife that I left at home. I was wondering if I succeed this cross, I could earn my living, provide my family and maybe fulfil my dream by opening my own bakery and with the bakery, perhaps, I could make a fortune and have a peaceful life me and everyone in my family. It was probably 11 o'clock at night, but I'm not certain. I was losing track of time and place. I was very tired, so I fell asleep. When suddenly, I heard a smuggler who was screaming at a woman, because she was aboard without her consent and she hadn't paid the cross. The poor woman promised him to pay when we will arrived in America but the man wouldn't listen and he had ordered at two man to keep him locked up in a very small room of the boat. A few hours later, they told us that we were going to need a resident permit, a Green Card and a work permit in order to live normally in America because otherwise we couldn't work except if we find a moonlighting but generally with these jobs the hardworking are underpaid. They also told us that we were going to be welcomed in a shelter with others emigrants. After this speech an older man sat next to me ans asked me my job, so I told her that I had an unrewarding job because I was a garbage men despite years of study. I also asked them questions, I asked them why does he emigrate. And he told me hopeful that he would like to join his son who's a doctor. He also told me that he wants to do him a surprise. Strangely, I was surprised by the sincerity of his eyes, and I promised myself to help him and the poor woman during the emigration. Then, we could finally see th American Coast and we had to swim until her. After everyone left the boat, I went back for my book bag and something stopped me... We forgot the woman who was crying on the room. I've picked the look. Next when she was free, she thanked me, and we get back with the others. Je devais raconter la journey d'un réfugier avec une liste de mots imposée: moonlighting unrewarding job free peaceful poor hopeful underpaid hardworking emigrate make a fortune earn a living fulfil a dream provide for one's family cross shelter work permit Green Card residence permit smuggler emigration emigrant

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