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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,J'aurai besoin de votre aide pour les exercices 47 et 48 svp sur les suites numériquesC'est noté, merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,J'aurai besoin de votre aide en allemand juste pour me corriger mon texte svp !Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes en anglais sa serait sympa svp Merci !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,J'aurai besoin d'aide en allemand pour décrire et interpréter cette caricature représentant un sportif pdt la Guerre Froide Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, J'aurai besoin d'aide en anglais svp, si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes Merci par avance :) Voici le texte : Jonathan attended the 100th memorial day on November 11th, 2014 in the Tower of London where 4 million people gathered. Harry participated in the 2GM. He knew the sorrow bound(connected) to the victims of the 1GM and the 2GM. He lived thus personally the war and his repercussions on the population. Today he helps the refugees and the vulnerable people by asserting to right their rights. Jonathan Jones is a journalist for the British magazine The Guardian. Jonathan Jones never participated in the war. He is strongly opposed to war and the use of poppies to remember the dead soldiers. He thinks that the invention of the nationalist term caused the first world war. He thinks that the commemoration on November 11th at the Tower of London is not a good thing because the British only come to mourn their dead while France and Russia have also had victims. (They are patriotic) and that would serve the anti-immigration political party Ukip. Beside, he regrets the use of a monument in tribute to the victims of the First World War because it is not worthy (representative) of what the fighters have lived. Moreover, he regrets the use of a monument in tribute to the victims of the 1st world war because it doesn't represent what the fighters lived. Harry Leslie Smith is 93 years old. This man is a war veteran of the Second World War who opposes too the use of poppies. Indeed, for him it became a latest fad, too much mediatized. 3) Today if we do not carry(wear) of poppies it's as if we did not respect the deaths of the great war. People feel sometimes forced to wear a poppy. He wore poppies with the aim of fighting against the war so that ever it does not take place. The war exists even today and is not ready to stop he thus sees no utility to wear a poppy because he is partisant to the motto « never again » on the commemorative monument. But in many countries such as Syria and Libya, the war is in full swing and kills many victims as during the two World Wars. Today, wearing poppy is only a matter of politics. Indeed, it is simple to wear a poppy for the respect of the dead after the death of many civilians. Indeed, to carry him a poppy would justify the war crimes and would not reflect the convictions of each one. Harry is afraid that the new generation thinks that the symbols push the young people towards a patriotism without reflection. Wearing a poppy because it's bad seen not to wear it and not for personal reasons only to honor the cliches of war is not what Harry wants. The poppies should serve the living who lost loved ones during the war, the difficulties of the refugees and help the victims of the war. Jonathan recommends not to consider war as a national tragedy by remembering only the British dead and not to carry poppies any more. Harry recommends not to wear poppies anymore because they are cliches that honor the war and not stop it. Before, they appeased the sadness of the families whereas today it is a political, economic stake. We must live in the present and help the refugees who are suffering because of the war.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en Première ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en allemand si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger les fautes svp. C'est noté ! Je vous remercie par avance et vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en 1ere Es et j'aurais besoin de votre aide en allemand pour corriger les fautes ainsi que de me dire ce que vous pensez de ma redaction svp.C'est noté Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale Es et j'aurai besoin pour cet exo sur les suites géométriques svp.C'est noté et pour demain !Merci par avance ;)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai vraiment besoin d'aide en maths pour cet exo svpMerci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour cet exo.Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour l'exo 69 c'est noté et pour demain Merci par avance
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai d'aide pour ce petit exo de maths sur les fonctions exponentielles svp Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,J'aurai besoin d'aide en anglais svp si vous pouvez me dire mes erreurs svp.C'est noté et pour demain !Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale Es et j'aurai besoin d'aide en anglais svp pour corriger les fautes de mes 2 reponses svp.C'est noté !Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour ce qcm concernant les probas avec justification !C'est noté !Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en philo pour répondre à ces 3 questions svp concernant le texte d'Aristote :1. Chercher l'opposition présente dans le texte.2. Expliquez la distinction entre la voix et la parole (pas en citant seulement le texte)3. En quoi cette distinction permet de fonder la différence entre la communauté humaine et la communauté animale.C'est noté! Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour ce qcm sur les probas avec justification.Merci par avance :)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp ppur ces 3 questions sur les fonctions svp.C'est noté ! Merci par avance :)
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, J'ai un oral d'anglais et je voudrais savoir si mon texte traduit comporte encore des erreurs svp The revolt of the Irish Catholics against Oliver Cromwell led in 1649 a brutal repression and the establishment of Penal laws intended to discriminate them. Among this series of measures, the Property Act established that Catholic lands, instead of being passed on to the eldest son, were to be divided among all the sons of the same family, resulting in a significant decline in farm size and increasing vulnerability of their farmers. To survive, the Irish cultivated mostly potatoes that required little space to grow. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the relative prosperity of the countryside with a mild climate allowed a plot to feed a family properly and the population that in 1801 was between 4 and 5 million. On the other hand, many peasants did not own their land and had to pay rent to a Protestant and British landlord. Ireland has been a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Act of Union since 1800, so the organization of public aid is the responsibility of the British Government in London. But the 1840s mark in Britain the triumph of liberal ideology, that of free trade and laissez-faire in economics. The leaders are therefore quite hostile to too much state interventionism. Around 1840 the population density is 84 inhabitants per square km. The population knows a strong growth of 1.6% per year from where a population passing in fifty years from 6 million to 8 million inhabitants. From then on, the plots were too small to feed a family. Farmers who represent the bulk of the population are mostly poor. Indeed, the lands belong to large non-resident Protestant landlords who rent them at high rates. In the nineteenth century Ireland is home to a relatively wealthy population and this will have a consequence on the measures adopted during the Great Famine. To what extent the Great Famine can be described as a political, economic and social disorder? In 1845, "mildew", spreads on Irish crops. Indeed, this parasitic fungus presumably transported by ships coming from North America, reaches Northwest Europe in the summer of 1845. The weather conditions of that summer (rain and wind) contribute to the spread of disease. Its proliferation is rapid, and moisture allows its massive extension to most of the potato plants, food that was once one of the essential foods of homes of the time. Parasitized by late blight, the tuber of the potato then becomes unconscious: it wilts and rots, prohibiting any form of partial recovery of the vegetable. In autumn, one third of the usual Irish harvest is lost. Small Irish farmers are particularly affected because, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, most of their diet is based on the consumption of this commodity. At the time, the social damage of a disastrous harvest could be limited - Ireland had already experienced famine episodes in the 1720s, 1730s and 1810s, for example - but the harvests of the 1846s, 1848s, and 1849s were also decimated. The parasite is not identified as such immediately, preventing it from being contained. The first scientific commission appointed by the government of Robert Peel (1841-1846) in the fall of 1845 refers to the wet and cold climate of the previous summer as responsible for decay. Under the government of Liberal John Russell (1846-1852), state aid was reduced to a strict minimum. Only soup kitchens allow, for a time, to counteract the most severe effects of undernutrition in some poor people (Soup Kitchen Act, 1846-1847). The most affected populations are those in western Ireland, as well as County Kerry.
May 2019 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurais besoin d'aide en allemand svp si quelqu'un peut me dire si mon introduction a des fautes : Der Begriff "Idee des Forschritts" kann durch das Thema "Neuen Technologien" illustriert werden. Seit den frühen 2000er Jahren und mit der Entwicklung des Internets und neuer Technologien, Fortschritte in verschiedenen Bereichen (Kommunikation, Wissenschaft, Medizin) erhöhen. Dank wissenschaftlicher Fortschritte und neuer Kommunikationsmittel ist Fortschritt zu einem echten sozialen, ökologischen und gesundheitlichen Pfahl geworden. Außerdem ist es nicht sehr einfach, den Fortschritt und die Erhaltung der Umwelt zu verbinden ... Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir den positiven Aspekt des Fortschritts und in einem zweiten Teil seinen negativen Aspekt. Merci par avance :) C'est pour l'oral
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour calculer la dérivée de f avec les étapes de calcul ! C'est noté, merci par avance :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en philosophie svp pour les questions 3 et 4 svpC'est noté !Merci par avance :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide en maths svp pour cet exo.C'est noté !Merci par avance :)
May 2019 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour à tous,Je suis en Terminale ES et j'aurai besoin d'aide pour calculer ces 2 exo d'intégrale 87 et 88 svp.C'est noté !Merci par avance :)
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